chapter 20

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*Jessamine's pov*

I started crying. I couldn't tell him. How was I going to tell him that I was going to die? I couldn't. This was the love of my life.

But I had to tell him goodbye. But how was I going to tell him that I was going to die? I couldn't. I wouldn't.

Was it fair for me to give him false hope though? No probably not.

One part of my brain was yelling at me to tell him and the other was yelling not to.

"Baby? Are you alright?" Creighton asked. I looked up at him and he wiped the tears that were falling from my eyes.

"Don't cry please. You'll be alright. You'll make it through this I promise." He had so much hope in his eyes and the tears kept falling from mine.

I was going to leave the best guy ever. I didn't even really have a choice.

"I love you Creighton," I choked out. He had to know how much I loved him. It hurt to say the words. My throat hurt so much.

"Baby, don't strain your voice. I know you love me. I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I wish I could have done something," he said sadly and I looked into his blue eyes.

I opened my mouth to try to talk, but Creighton quickly covered my mouth.

"Princess, don't try to talk."

My heart melted when he called me princess. The one thing that I was going to be able to rest easy about is that I did get to find love. Even though I was losing the love of my life.

There was a knock on the door and my head snapped up. It was my dad.

"My precious girl," he said and ran over and hugged me gingerly.

He looked over at Creighton and I could see his eyes turn dark with anger.

"You let him in your room?" He asked me angrily.

"Daddy, he didn't do anything wrong!" I tried to yell but it came out in a whisper. My throat hurt so much.

"Jessamine please don't strain your voice," Creighton begged and pushed my hair out of my face. The gentle caress made me smile. I almost forgot that in a few hours I would be dead. Almost.

"His father did this to you!" My dad yelled and I sighed.

"Sir, I know that you are mad, and I am too, but you cannot blame me for something like this. This was a man that is biologically my father but not my father in my heart, who did this. I didn't have anything to do with this, and I wish he hadn't hurt my girl."

Creighton looked into my eyes with his clear blue ones and I could see the love in them.

Even for a short time his love has made me happier than anything else. He made me pull through with my mother and he's the strongest guy I've ever known. He dealt with his father's constant abuse. He never deserved to be treated the way he was, but he made it through and he is the one guy who was always there for me.

I wish that he could be totally free of his father. I got to be away from my mother. My father came to take me and my mother may be mean and cruel, but she wasn't crazy such as Creighton's dad. She wouldn't hurt anyone else but me, and she wouldn't come and hunt me down to ruin my life.

"I'm sorry. I just hate the fact that my little girl is in here," my dad cried and tears fell from his eyes. Seeing my dad cry was heartbreaking.

"Daddy, please don't cry." I told him and tears started to well in my eyes.

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