chapter 1

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*Creighton's pov*

My alarm clock started screeching and I groggily opened my eyes. I quickly turned my alarm clock off and got out of bed. I didn't want to wake my dad up again. I shuddered remembering what happens when I wake him up.

The dark colors of my room stood out as the sun shined through the window ever so slightly.

I groaned and went to get some clothes. I found my dark skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt. Even though it was fairly warm out, I didn't want anyone to see the scars.

No I don't cut. I do not hurt myself. But at school everyone thinks I do and I just go with it so no one knows the truth.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my long black hair out of my green eyes. A lot of people mistook me for a girl from behind. Well sometimes, since I'm freakishly tall, some people didn't think I was a girl even though my long hair confused them. I quickly changed and got ready for that torturous hell hole.

I walked out quietly, then went downstairs. I grabbed a breakfast bar and walked out the door, being sure to be quiet.

I walked the short distance to school while eating my food.

I saw the girl I love drive past me. Jessamine Parker. We used to be best friends in elementary school. Then she stopped talking to me and acted like she never knew me.

She had dark brown hair and blue eyes and was the most popular girl in school. I sighed. She was perfect. Someone I could never have.

"Creighton!" Alex, my only friend, yelled and ran up to me.

"What?" I asked him. I looked down as he caught up to me. He was fairly shorter than me.

"Dude you were supposed to text me to wake me up!" He said pretending to be mad.

"Do I look like your mother to you?" I asked and rolled my eyes as he glared.

"You promised!" He whined. I honestly had forgotten because my father had come home drunk.

Alex didn't know about the abuse and I planned on never telling him. No one would ever know. I thought if I told him now then he would be mad for not telling him when it first began.

We walked into the school and went to our lockers. They were right beside each other, which is how we became friends.

Jessamine walked by with her friends. She was perfect. Every part of her was. She was my dream girl.

She looked at me and she sneered. My heart sank. I knew that we would never happen, but I still loved her. I loved her since the first day I saw her. She was so pretty and sweet. Everyone had bullied me my first day, but not her. She came over and sat with me. She said I looked cute and we spent every day together up to the 5th grade. Then she acted as if I was a disease.

Alex and I went to our first class, which happened to be art. I loved art. It was the only thing I was good at. And the reason why my father thought I was a failure. He wanted me to be good at sports but I was very nonathletic.

I started drawing my favorite animal. It was a tiger. It was fierce and even though it was the opposite of me, I still loved the animal. I slowly started drawing its face and the teacher came up behind me.

"Creighton that is amazing. Did you ever consider entering that into an art gallery? You have an amazing talent," she complimented. This was the only class where I would get a compliment and it meant the most.

"No. I don't think I would do that," I said honestly. It would just make my father angrier.

"That's a shame. Your talent should be observed by everyone," she said sounding disappointed and then walked away and then out of the class.

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