chapter 11

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*Creigton's pov*

Jessamine was kissing me and it was the best feeling I have ever had. I couldn't believe what was happening right now.

Jessamine wrapped her arms around me and I slightly winced in pain. But all of this pain was worth it because I loved the fact that I was kissing the girl who was everything to me.

Alex coughed, making me realize where we were. I slowly pulled away, knowing if I did it that fast I would hurt myself.

"Do you know how worried I was?" I asked Jessamine. She wasn't looking at me then.

"I'm sorry. I have no one anymore at school and my mom is horrible. She hates me so much and I just want to be done with everything." I could hear her voice cracking and it broke my heart.

"Hey do not be like that. You have us. And I know what it's like to have an abusive parent. I really do, I mean look at me. Every move I make is so painful because of my father. I know what it is like to have no one. But there is always that one person who is going to love you, whether you realize it or not. Do not forget that."

Abby walked over and sat on the other side of Jessamine and Alex walked into the room further and shut the door.

"It may not be much, but I will always be here for you too. Not everything is based on looks, and it is a shame that your mother makes you feel that way. But you are beautiful the way you are, and don't let your mother make you feel like you are not. Everyone is beautiful, whether they realize it or not. And who cares what other people think? At the end of the night it's your thoughts that you are left with. No one else's." Abby tried to comfort Jessamine.

I put my arm around Jessamine's shoulders and she cuddled into my chest lightly.

"Thank you Abby. That makes me feel somewhat better. You're right. I need to stop thinking that I am not good enough. It isn't fair to myself or any of you. I realy need to apologize for how I acted to you guys. You never deserve how I treated you or how anyone treated you."

"Hey, it's okay. Don't feel bad." I told her. I rubbed her shoulder.

"But I do. You guys are the ones that are here for me right now, and I did nothing but treat you terribly. Not to mention you love me and after everything I said to you and about you. Creightoin I never meant it," she cried and pulled away from me.

"Jessamine-" I started but she cut me off.

"I don't deserve you. I was the worst person to you. I could have stopped Joey from beating you up. I could have stopped everyone from hurting you, but I didn't. I just went along with it and I wish I could take it all back." She shook as she spoke.

"I can't say that it didn't hurt, because it did. But I am not mad at you. I will not hold grudges over you, nor anyone. I need to move on from the past and the best way to do that is to not look back. Jessamine you need to do the same thing. Don't look back at what you did, unless you want to learn from it. Learn from your mistakes, that's why we make them. We make mistakes to become a better person and to not do the things that get us hurt."

"I can't just move on. I can't," she stated and she started to tremble.

"Yes you can. Don't be so stubborn about it. I know it is hard to just forget your past. But you can't let your past control you. It may define you, but you need to stop thinking about just the bad things. You had good memories. Everyone does. Use those to be happy and learn from the past mistakes."

"Creighton I can't. All I can think of is the fact that I hurt everyone and that I am not good enough for anyone."

"Stop that right now. You are too good for me. You're beautiful and sweet. I know why you acted the way you did and it is not your fault. Your mother made you feel the way you are right now. But Jessamine you are good enough for everyone you come in contact with. You are smart, pretty, ambitious, and everything a guy could want. If a guy were to think that you aren't good enough then he is a fool. And yes you will hurt people and they will hurt you. But that is a part of life. Pain comes and goes, but there are always going to be times where you are happy. Do not think so negatively, because it does absolutely no good at all."

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