chapter 9

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*Abby's pov* (SURPRISE!!!!)

I kissed Creighton. The boy was so clueless that it was ridiculous and I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to kiss him so bad and I couldn't hold back anymore.

What surprised me is that as I pressed my lips to his, he kissed me back. His lips moved against mine and I smiled as he kissed me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, gently, and continued to kiss him. I wanted him closer to me. He was everything that I wanted in a guy. He was sweet, he didn't care about his image in school, and he loved all the same things as me.

I felt sparks. They were just barely there, though. I expected there to be more, because from the moment I met him, I liked him. He seemed to be the perfect guy for me, and he still does.

I pulled away from the kiss, breathless and gasping for air.

I stared into Creighton's eyes and his eyes were filled with shock.

I laughed, he looked adorable. His shaggy black hair hung in his eyes as he looked at me.

I took his hand and squeezed it lightly. I laid my head on his shoulder and we went back to watching our movie. It was almost over and I didn't want to let him go.

"I wish we could go to the movie theater, we could watch Annabelle," Creighton said and I leaned away from him.

"Oh hell no, I heard that movie is scary!" I cried.

"You wouldn't want to go and see it?" He asked, with a smile on his face.

"Absolutely not. I hate scary movies," I said, and shuddered. Every time I watched a scary movie, I ended up screaming.

"Just once?" He pouted, and I swear my heart melted a little bit. He was so cute and his eyes seemed to beg me.

"Not Annabelle. Never Annabelle. I seen the commercials, and I do not need to be scared like that." I looked into his green eyes and began to worry that he would convince me to watch that movie when he's able to go.

"Come on, please?" He pouted more and I shook my head.

"The Conjuring then? Then we can go and see Annabelle," he smirked as he spoke. This guy was relentless.

"No. Where's Alex? Shouldn't he have come back with our food?" I asked and then got up. Creighton rolled his eyes at my not-so-subtle attempt to change the subject.

I walked over to the door and then opened it. I looked out into the hallway but didn't see Alex.

"I'll be right back," I told him and then walked out into the hallway. I walked slowly around, looking to see if I could find Alex.

"I know he's my best friend and I love him to death, but why do you like him and not me?" Alex's voice sounded out. I turned around and seen him walking into the kitchen and he sat the bag of food on the table.

"I don't know. I didn't choose who I like." I told him honestly. Alex was super sweet, but I just didn't feel that way about him.

I could tell that he had a crush on me, but I really like Creighton. From that first moment I saw him, I had liked him.

"Well I think you should give me a chance. I mean you never know," Alex's eyes pleaded with mine and I sighed.

"I'll think about it. Now give me my food and Creighton's." I demanded. I know I was being a little harsh but come one. He just ruined my happy mood.

He handed me our food and utensils. I walked back into the room to see Creighton watching his movie intently. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Oh my god food. I am starving," he groaned. He sat up in the bed and I watched as his face twisted in pain.

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