chapter 16

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*Jessamine's pov*

The look on Creighton's face was heartbreaking. As I told him I would be going with my dad I could see his heart shatter in his eyes.

I wanted to cry. I didn't want to leave Creighton. He has been my crush since elementary school and at this point the connection was just too strong.

"Isn't there any way you can stay?" He asked. His tone of voice begged me to say yes.

I sadly shook my head and looked away from his face. I was unable to watch the pain in his face anymore.

I watched Creighton's shoulders slack in defeat when I lifted my head back to look at him.

"I should have figured," he mumbled to himself and then looked me in the eyes.

"I guess this is goodbye Jessamine," Creighton said and I felt my heart sink into my stomach. I knew that this would have to be the outcome but to hear him say it was the ultimate realization of what this situation was.

"I don't want it to be goodbye," I said and I could hear my voice cracking.

"Well I guess it has to be for now," he said back, I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"We can still talk Creighton," I stated in a begging tone.

"What's the point? I can't be with you and that kills me. You'll meet someone way better than me, I am not good enough."

"You're good enough! Why don't we try the long distance? What would it hurt?" I asked him.

"The fact that I wouldn't be able to see my girlfriend? That would hurt. The fact of knowing I can't go see her, and hold her, and be there physically for her when she's had a bad day. And knowing that there are so many better guys than me in the world, I know that one of them would make you happier than I ever could. I want you to be happy, I don't want to limit your options in life."

My eyes started to water with my tears. This wasn't what I wanted. He won't even try to be with me.

"Creighton you are the best guy in the world. You're the only guy I need in my life," I hiccuped.

"I'm not. There are so many better guys out there. You're the most amazing girl, how could you not meet someone better than me?"

"Stop being so negative! Creighton Smith I love you! I have loved you for the longest time now, and you can't see yourself as great. Well I think you're perfect. You have scars that show you fought just like me. You are the sweetest guy I know. You don't judge people like the typical teenager does. You're seriously the best artist I have ever met. You may not be perfect but to me you are. You are the only guy I see myself with, and I am willing to try to have a long distance relationship with you, no matter where I go."

Creighton sat there and didn't move at all. I waited for him to answer, but nothing came. The tears started to flow from my eyes then and I couldn't breathe.

"Well I guess I am going to go then. If you want to talk I am leaving tomorrow night, if you want to talk come see me before I leave." I got up off of the bed and practically ran out of the house. The tears were streaming down my face. Why? Why did this have to happen to me?

I walked back to my house where my dad was waiting for me. We were planning on staying in a hotel for tonight before getting on a plan and going to stay in Italy for awhile. I sighed as I walked away from the one person who I know I need in my life.


*Creighton's pov*

"Are you insane?" Alex yelled at me. I stared past him. I felt numb. I couldn't comprehend what had happened with Jessamine. My mind stopped functioning when she said she was moving.

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