chapter 13

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*Creighton's pov*

I looked at my phone for probably the tenth time. Jessamine still had not texted me back. The message was marked at read but she didn't text me back.

Unease washed through me. What was going on? Was she okay?

Alex was driving and Abby was talking but I couldn't register anything she was saying. I was in my own world right now.

I seen someone waving their hand in front of my face. Abby was trying to get my attention.

"Are you not listening to us?" She said. I shook my head. I didn't have energy to talk right now. I needed to know if Jessamine was hurt.

"Well if you were listening you would have heard the fact that we are almost home."

"I don't care." I looked out the window. I hated how I had to stay away from Jessamine. it was killing me to think that I couldn't be around her.

"Yes you do. Look, neither of us can imagine what it is like for you right now, but you can't be miserable like this. As you said yourself it doesn't solve anything," Abby practically scolded me.

"I just want to lie down," I said with no emotion in my voice.

Abby sighed and turned so she was no longer looking at me.

I closed my eyes and the look that Jessamine wore on her face is all that I seen. The look of horror. She was terrified of what was going to happen to her.

It was all I could think about. My mind would not wander to any other topic. They say your brain has thousands upon thousands of thoughts but the only thought I had was about Jessamine.

"Creighton we're home. Open your eyes, I know you aren't asleep," Abby complained.

I slowly opened my eyes to see the door open and Abby trying to help me out of the car. She had my crutches and she helped me out of the car. I slowly walked into the house. I hated depending on people just to walk, but there was nothing I could do about it at the moment.

I went back to the bedroom and slowly got up onto bed.

I could hear Alex and Abby talking. Their voices floated through the hall and back to Alex's room.

"If he doesn't stop this, I don't think he is going to want to live," Abby said.

"He will make it through it. He has made it through worse."

"I don't know. He looks dead already. He isn't allowed to even go near Jessamine and I think that is what kills him. He knows that she loves him and there is nothing he can do so they can be together."

"He will be fine. I really hope he will be anywys," Alex said.

"I don't know Alex. He's been in love with the girl for years. That's how you know it isn't just something he is making up. He really loves her. I never believed in the whole soulmate thing but after seeing Creighton and Jessamine I know it exists. It is definitely there between them. I honestly think this could break him," Abby said and I glared out the door at them. How can Abby know I was in love with her? She hasn't been here for that long and I tried to get over Jessamine. Wow that sounds bad, I feel like a jerk.

I can handle being without her, I think. I just can't handle her getting hurt. I wanted her to be happy and safe.

I wanted to jump out of bed and tell them that wasn't it. I never believed in the soulmate thing, I don't think it exists to be honest. There may be true love but I don't believe that there are soulmates.

I couldn't move though. I laid in bed with no emotion. I couldn't feel anything. My mind just wandered to what was happening to Jessamine. I wondered if she was okay.

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