chapter 8

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*Creighton's pov*

I could hear Jessamine crying into my chest as she hugged me. I moved uncomfortably. She was pressing into my rib cage and it wasn't the most comfortable thing ever.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. I heard her sob, but she sat back up. Makeup ran down her face. Even though she was crying, she was still beautiful.

"They all know Creighton. They know I'm fake; that I'm a liar. They turned on me like rabid dogs. That it's my fault my mother is controlling and that it's my fault that my mother abuses me," she cried. She hiccuped and sniffled.

I didn't know what to do. I had never seen Jessamine break down. She had always been the strong one. Even when we were younger she was the strong one. She wouldn't put up with any bullshit. She had stood up to the bullies.

Here was Jessamine, a strong girl, totally broken down by the people who were supposed to be her friends. Her friends that were supposed to be there for her and understand her.

"I'm sorry for just barging in, I can go if you want," she hiccuped.

"No. You can stay. I'm always here for you, Jessamine." I sat up in my bed to get more comfortable.

"How can you be so understanding? I was terrible to you. I was your bully. I let everyone torment you  and ignored you. I was your best friend, and then I turned on you. How can you let me in here?" She asked me.

"I'm not mad that you did it. I was mad for a while, but there was no point. Being mad wouldn't make me feel better. I tried to forget about it, and move on," I told her. I did try to forget it, but it's hard when she's the girl that I love.

Abby flashed through my mind. I do have feeling for Abby. I just don't know what kind of feelings they are yet.

"You're such a good person. You haven't had the best life and yet you are still incredibly nice and sweet." Jessamine wiped at her eyes and looked down at the bed that she was sitting on.

"There's just no point in holding grudges," I said. I realized something that contradicted my saying. I didn't want to admit it but I was holding a grudge against my mother. I'd have to call her then and tell her that I'm not going to leave with her, but I'd want to repair that relationship.

Jessamine gave me a slight smile. Underneath the smile, I could see the underlying pain. Jessamine didn't know how to truly be happy. She acted happy because it's what she had to do.

"Wait, your mother abuses you?" How could I have not listened to that when she first said it?

She nodded and more tears started to fall from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Jessamine," I said and then slowly leaned up and hugged her.

She stiffened when I put my arms around her, but soon she relaxed. She laid her head on my shoulder.

"Why?" I asked her. She shook her head against my shoulder. If she wanted to tell me, then she'd tell me.

"If you ever decide to want to tell me, I'm always here." I said and then loosened my grip on her, in case she wanted out of the hug.

"Creighton what am I going to do? When my mother finds out that I am not the most popular girl she's going to abuse me." She cried as she lifted her head, but stayed in my arms.

"What does she do that for? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but maybe it will help to talk about it?" I told her, but I was unsure of if I was helping her or not.

"My mom always wanted me to be the perfect, popular daughter. When we went into middle school, my mother thought that you wouldn't be popular. She yelled at me saying that if I ever talked to you again, I would regret it. I knew she was serious, so I ignored you. I'm so sorry about that. If it had been up to me, I would still be best friends with you." Her eyes pleaded with me to believe her.

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