chapter 2

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*Creighton's pov*

I laid back on my roof, propping myself on my arms. I knew I was still shirtless, but no one could see the scars and the new bruises from up here.

The sun started to go down and I knew my father would soon be going to sleep. He always went to sleep early because he would say that he couldn't stand to look at me. I sighed and looked up at the orange colored sky. It would be perfect to have a girlfriend and watch the sunset together. I've only had one girlfriend in my life but I had to break up with her. She was getting suspicious when I would come over limping.

I never wanted anyone to know that I had to go through this. I didn't want pity. I may not be a 'manly' man but there was no way in hell that I was going to take anyone's pity.

Jessamine had gone back into her house about ten minutes ago and I was a little sad. I thought I had seen her look over here a couple of times but I doubt it. I never peaked her interest. I wasn't Joey. The Joey that had it all.

Everyone knew Jessamine and Joey were talking. It saddened me that such a sweet girl would like a jerk like that but that was the story of my life. I'd never have her, but I really hope Jessamine realizes that he doesn't deserve her.

The sky turned into a purplish color and I hugged my knees to my chest. I cried out in pain.

"That man should rot in prison," a soft voice mumbled.

I looked down to see a petite figure looking up at me.

"Who are you?" I asked. My eyesight wasn't the best, especially when it was dark.

"I'm Abby. I just moved in next door yesterday. I heard screaming in your house," she said quietly.

I knew that if I went down to her through my house my dad would find me. I went to the tree right next to the edge of the roof and climbed down it carefully. I winced in pain as I descended the tree.

Abby was standing right next to the tree waiting for me. When I got down I gasped. She was really pretty. She looked like she would be one of Jessamine's friends.

Abby had long curly blond hair and pretty brown eyes. She was really short and I basically towered over her.

I then realized I wasn't wearing a shirt, and it was probably light enough for her to see my scars and bruises.

"Are you okay?" She asked me. She had a pretty voice and I flipped my long black hair out of my eyes.

"I've been better," I said and stood awkwardly in front of her.

She gave me a sad smile and she grabbed my hand. I was shocked by the action. She led me over to her yard and she took me into her house.

"Abby, I don't think this is a good idea," I protested but it was too late. I was already in her house and she was taking me up to her room.

"Wait here," she said sternly and I did as she said. I looked around her room and was shocked. I expected her room to be bright and girly. Instead it was black and a deep shade of purple. Everything was perfectly organized and she had pictures of bands all over her walls.

She came back in and tossed me a shirt. I looked down at it. It was a guys shirt.

"It's my brothers. He will never know it's gone," she said and sat down on the edge of her bed.

"You like all these bands?" I asked her. She had Black Veil Brides, Rise Against, Falling in Reverse, and more band posters all over her wall.

"No, I just have them there to decorate," she said sarcastically and smiled at me. She was really pretty. If I didn't have the biggest on crush on Jessamine I would want to date her. But no matter what I could never get my heart to leave Jessamine. Whether she knew it or not, my heart was hers.

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