chapter 5

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*Creighton's pov*

I jolted awake with sweat pouring down my face. I took in deep breaths and looked around my room. It was just a dream. It wasn't real. I grabbed the yearbook that was on my chest and sat it on the floor. I wasn't ready to get up yet.

Light was shining in through my window and it looked like it would be a nice Saturday. I smiled. No bullying today. Well at least from my peers.

I got up out of bed and went to my bathroom with my clothes. I put on a t-shirt and my skinny jeans. Normally I would never wear a t-shirt but I was either going to hang out with Abby or Alex today.

I knew Alex didn't know but today I had to tell him about my abuse. I shouldn't hide things from him.

I wanted to tell Alex a long time ago but I got worried that he would ditch me for not telling on my dad. But Abby hadn't and she just met me. She was there to help me and I assume that Alex will be too.

I could hear my father snoring in his bedroom and I crept out of my bedroom and through the house. I got to the front door and opened it slowly and then rushed out.

I let out a breath that I had been holding and started walking to Alex's house. It was fairly warm and not a cloud in the sky. Maybe it will be a good day then. The world looked happy.

It was only a ten minute walk for me to get to Alex's house. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He was going to see all of my scars for the first time.

Alex opened the door and smiled. The smile quickly faded as he seen the scars all over me. Some of them were burns from my dad's cigarettes and others were from cuts that he caused.

"Creighton," Alex started but I pushed him inside so no one would listen to us outside.

"It's a long story," I said and he nodded. We went back to his room and Alex shut the door.

"Alright well," Alex said and panic coursed through my body. He thinks that I am hurting myself. Would he believe me when I tell him that it was my dad?

I gulped under Alex's gaze. He was watching me intently.

"Alex I didn't do this to myself. Do you know why I never invite you over to my house?" I asked and he shook his head.

"It's because of my dad. He's an abusive drunk. Even when I was little he was abusive but not towards me. It was towards my mother. And then when she left I could tell that he wanted to smack me around. It wasn't until freshman year that he started," I said and watched his reaction.

He didn't say anything and silently urged me to continue.

"He'd find any excuse to beat me. Most of the time it was because he said I was so unmanly and nonathletic that he had to do it. He hated the fact that I wasn't his little jock of a son. He hates that I am artistic. Other times it would be for showing up late and leaving things on the floor, which weren't even mine. I never told you because I felt that you would leave me. And I know that I shouldn't have felt like that because you are my best friend but there's that voice in my mind that always said I'm not good enough for anyone. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner," I said and looked away.

"Creighton I could never be mad at you! This isn't even your fault. I wish you would've told me about it sooner! Is this why you never came over after school?" He asked and I nodded.

"Creighton you need to tell the police," he whispered and I shook my head.

"I can't. He is the only family I have. I don't know what happened to my mom and I know she isn't going to ever come back. If I turn him in I have no one plus I'd feel bad because he is my father. I know I should tell them but what if they don't believe me? Then I have an angry father who will beat the shit out of me. I don't know how much more I can take from beatings. My rib is already broken," I confess. I still had the gauze wrapped around my chest.

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