chapter 15

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*Creighton's pov*

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around slowly. Memories from yesterday flooded back to me and I sat up quickly.

I was undoubtedly mad when I had seen Joey kissing Jessamine. If I hadn't been in crutches, I probably would have punched him, and I don't even fight. I've never been a fighter, but I'd do anything for her.

I knew Joey was lying though. When a person lies they never look at you in your eyes. They look over you or behind you; never into your eyes.

Jessamine looked into mine, begging me to believe her. I had to believe her. After everything that she has been through, I can't imagine her wanting anything to do with Joey. Joey wasn't someone that was good for any girl, and I would hope Jessamine would realize that.

Her dad was supposed to be over today to confront her mother. Jessamine had lived in a home of torture for too long. She did not deserve being abused; being told that she wasn't good enough.

Jessamine deserved so much more than what she was handed. She deserved to be happy and to have a loving family. Not be made to feel like she wasn't good enough.

"Hey look who's awake," Alex said and I jumped. I didn't realize that he was in here.

"Hey. Where's my phone?" I asked him and looked around trying to find it.

"I have it. I took it to be charged. Why? You okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to text Jessamine. I want to know how she is," I explained.

"Alright, let me go get your phone. I'll be right back." He walked out of the room to go and get my phone and I relaxed slightly.

The sun was shining into the room, so I was assuming it was the afternoon. Hopefully her dad was home already.

Alex came back into the room and handed me my phone. I checked it and had seen I already had a few messages.

Hey Creighton. My dad is going to be home soon. I'll let you know when he is here and what happens. Hopefully everything goes well. After this I am going to come over to see you.

Hey my dad is here, I'll keep you updated on what's going on. I assume you're still sleeping. Text me when you wake up.

Oh my her dad is already there. I wonder how it is going.

Yeah I was still asleep. How is it going with your parents? I don't see the house blowing up yet.

I sent the message and waited anxiously for her to reply. I hated waiting for people to respond when something very important. I'd ge to the point where I would basically be going crazy, especially when this is about Jessamine.

"Dude you okay?" Alex asked me and I looked up at him.

"I need Jessamine to text me back. I need to know if she is okay and if her dad is helping her."

"She's going to be fine. Stop worrying, you don't need to be stressed right now." Alex walked over to me and then reached behind me to grab my pillow. He fluffed it up and then put it back to where it was.

"Just relax, you don't need to worry. Don't worry about anything."

"How am I just not supposed to worry? This is the girl of my dreams we are talking about here," I said.

"Everything is going to work out."

My dad came home and flipped out on my mom. She denied ever doing anything, but my father showed the picture I sent him of my bruised face and my mom got pissed. She started threatening me and my dad started yelling at her. I am coming over though, there is something I need to tell you.

What does she need to tell me? Is it something bad?

"I think I need to get a shower," I said suddenly. I needed time to myself with no distractions. I didn't want to be near my phone and I didn't want Alex telling me it would be okay.

Sometimes things just can't be okay. Not everything works out, and what if that is this?

"Okay, let me help you up. And I promise everything is going to work out. There has to be some positive things that are going to happen to you. Not everything is going to be negative all of the time."

I just nodded and he came over to help me out of bed and led me to the bathroom so I could shower. Alex left and I shut the door and leaned my crutches against it.

I let out of breath and started the shower. Stepping in the shower felt amazing, the hot water cascaded off my skin and it was certainly more relaxing then just laying in bed waiting for a text message back.

When I felt that I had enough of my shower I stepped out and got dressed slowly. I winced in pain as I tried to put clothes on my aching body.

I grabbed the pills that were on the sink. Alex had kept them here in case I would need them after my shower.

I took two pills and then shook my head, getting the excess water out. Maybe I should get a haircut. It feels like forever since I got my hair cut. I ran my hand through my hair and grabbed my crutches. It was getting hard to stand on my own.

I walked out of the bathroom and back to my room and seen Jessamine sitting on my bed. I froze in the doorway and she turned to look at me. She didn't have her contacts in. Her eyes were a warm chocolate brown that looked pained.

"Hey," she said in a sweet voice and I looked at her curiously.

"Hey. What do you need to talk about?" I asked her and moved over to my bed. It was getting hard to be able to balance on my crutches. I had no energy.

"Well I can tell you what happened with my parents first."

I sat down on my bed next to her and she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Well my dad walked in and my mom did the fake 'oh honey I missed you so much' kind of thing. My dad didn't go with that very long and confronted her first about her cheating on him. Of course my mother lied and said she had been faithful the entire time. Then my dad was yelling at her for abusing me."

She paused for a moment and looked down at her lap.

"She accused me of lying and said how I just wanted attention. My dad called her out and then showed the picture that I sent to him with the bruise on my face. That was the first time I ever seen my mom look afraid. My dad said how he wanted a divorce and all hell broke loose."

She looked up at me and I could see the tears threatening to break from her eyes. She wasn't leaning against me anymore and she was trying really hard not to cry.

"My mom started screaming, my dad started screaming, and it was just a mess."

"Hey, it's going to be okay. You're dad is here now, he won't let anything bad happen to you now."

She didn't say anything and then leaned back into me.

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. She started shaking in my arms and I tried to calm her down, but it wasn't working.

"I'm sorry, I just have anxiety problems," she mumbled into my chest.

"What are you apologizing for? You have nothing to be sorry for," I told her and she again didn't say anything, she just nodded her head.

She continued to shake in my arms. She hid her face in my chest as she shook against me.

I started humming to try to see if that woud relax her, but it did no good.

"Jessamine what else is wrong?" I asked her and she didn't say anything.

"Tell me what is the matter. You know I am here for you," I told her. It was true, I would always be here for her, no matter what.

"I don't want to tell you, because I don't even want to realize it."

She finally looked at me and her eyes showed defeat.

"What's wrong? Just tell me," I begged her.

She took a deep breath before answering me.

"I'm leaving. My dad is taking me with him. I'm only here for one week before I move with him."

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