chapter 21

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*Creighton's pov*

I laid in bed, unable to move. It was her funeral. How was I supposed to do anything? 

"Creighton?" My mom called and she walked into the room. "She was in a black dress and looked like she had been crying earlier. 

"I hate seeing you like this," she hiccuped. 

I couldn't speak. I wanted to comfort my mom, but I didn't know how. I didn't even know how to accept the fact that she was gone. 

"Are you going to come?" She asked me. I shook my head. I loved Jessamine, I still love her, I didn't have the strength to go to her funeral. 

"Honey, I know that you are hurt, but I think you should go."

"I can't mom. It's basically my fault that she's dead. My dad killed her to get back at me. It's my fault that she isn't here! I'm the one that shouldn't be here!" I cried. 

"Creighton Smith, don't you ever say that again. This isn't your fault. Your father, and I use that term very loosely, is a man that has issues that no one understands, not even himself. He can't control himself," she said and she looked mad.

"Are you kidding me right now. Are you defending a man that abused you?" 

"You don't understand what happened, there were things that were going on his life that no one understood. He doesn't know what he is doing," she explained.

"He has no reason to hurt another being! He killed Jessamine, are you really going to justify his actions? He abused you and me! No matter what was going on, there are other ways to handle things that go on around you." I was pissed. My father was a cowardly man. 

"What like cutting yourself like you did?" My mother hissed at me.

I gasped like she had just took the knife to my wrist. Tears welled in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

"I should have known you were going to do this, you left me with him. I wanted to forgive you mom, but I think I need to be away from you," I said calmly. 

"Fine! I don't want to see you again, you just remind me of your father," she cried out.

I stood up and towered over her.

"Don't ever compare me to him. Ever." 

I walked away from her and out of the house. I knew where I was going to go and what I was going to do.

I walked around the town for awhile. Avoiding the cemetery. I was going to go visit her after the service was over.

I went to the lake. The lake was never really visited anymore. It became a safe place for me to come and think.

I sat on the bank of the lake.

What if that day where my father caused me to go to the hospital he had actually killed me?

Jessamine would still be here. She would be able to live her life. We never would have dated either. If would have been easy for her to move on.

The girl literally radiated beauty. Even without the makeup she was gorgeous. Any guy would have seen that.

After awhile, when I was sure the service was over, I walked to the cemetery.

I searched the graves and found Jessamine's grave. My heart stopped and my breath caught in my throat.

I knelt down in front of her grave and just stared there, processing that the love of my life was gone.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you," I said and tears streamed down my face.

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