chapter 17

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-2 Months Later-Graduation Day-

*Creighton's pov*

"Creighton where are you?" My mom called out. I walked into her bedroom and seen her putting her earrings in.

"What do you need?" I asked as I stood there somewhat awkwardly. It was still weird that I was living with her now. She had gotten a place in town so I could stay here to graduate.

"Can you take the dogs out before we leave? Are you dressed yet?" She asked, still not looking at me.

"Not yet. I'll get the dogs quick." I told her and then walked out.

"Logan, Juliet. Come here babies," I called to them. They came running and ran to the door.

I let them out and stayed watching them. My mind wandered to Jessamine. She was coming home to see me graduate.

I smiled to myself. I couldn't wait to see her. It's been two months since I actually got to see the love of my life.

We had grown even closer. If that was even possible. It's so hard to believe that I finally have her.

I never thought she'd be mine. She's my girl.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as Juliet and Logan came running back up to me. 

"Alright you little heathens. Get back inside," I teased and as soon as I opened the door they ran in. 

I checked my phone. I still hadn't heard from Jessamine. I took a breath. She's on her way. She will soon be here. 

I looked at the time. I needed to get ready. I walked to my room and got dressed. Soon I'd be officially out of that school. I smiled to myself. I was finally graduating.


*Jessamine's pov* 

 "Fuck you," I snarled at Creighton's dad. I struggled against my restraints. I was tied to a chair that was bolted to the ground. 

"Watch your mouth with me. I am not afraid to beat you, I mean you seen what I did to Creighton before." he smirked at me and I flinched. Creighton was so badly scarred because of his father. I still thought Creighton was good looking and he's perfect even with his scars, but his father should not be doing that to him.

"As I said, I will let you go after graduation." 

"Why are you doing this? Don't you have a soul? Don't you care about your son at all?" I questioned him. 

He walked over to me and slapped me hard in the face. I whimpered from the force he put into it.

"I told you to watch your mouth with me. It's a wonder that he even ended up with you. You're tougher than he ever could be."

"Creighton is stronger than you realize." I whispered. I was afraid to say anything now. I went from my mother abusing me to this. I had enjoyed my time in Italy, but I was happy to be back home. Well not anymore.

"He is weak!" He yelled and started grumbling to himself. I knew he was drunk. Everyone in town knew that Creighton's father was an alcoholic. No one said anything though. 

I watched him with fearful eyes.

"To answer your question to why I am doing this-I'm doing this because I want him to know that he has no one. When he realizes that he will come back to me, then everything will be back to normal."

"Normal? You call beating your son senseless normal? To the point where no one knew if he was going to survive? The doctors were amazed he was even alive after what you did to him! He's been through hell because of you! Why can't you let your son be happy?" I yelled at him.

"He is not my son. He will never be my son. My son would not be so weak. My son would be a fighter, he would be athletic. He would not be so interested in art. He's weak just like his mother. I don't know why I ever loved her. She's even more pathetic than him."

"His mother is a nice woman! After everything you put her through it's amazing she is as polite and kind as she is! You caused her to run off! She never thought you would do what you did to her son!"

"Shut the hell up. If only you knew. She didn't run off. I kicked her out. She begged me to let her stay. I was tired of her though. She would never fight back. That's how i knew she was weak. Someone who was strong would never let me do what I did. I kicked her out. I hoped it would toughen Creighton up. Boy was I wrong."

"Shouldn't you be more worried about your son's happiness instead of whether or not he can take a punch?" I asked him with sarcasm laced in my voice. It should be obvious.

"It's not about him being able to take a punch. It's about him not letting people walk all over him. I watched as Creighton pant over you for years. You were his best friend Jessamine. But then you abandoned him. I watched as he caved in on himself. I was determined to never let him feel that emotional pain again."

"I didn't abandon him! I didn't have a choice!" I cried. Tears started streaming down my face.

"That's where you're wrong. Everyone has choices that they make."

"I didn't want to leave Creighton! My mom didn't let me see him anymore!" I was bawling. The memories were flooding back.

"You didn't even try to sneak to see him. He laid in his room. Hours turned into days. Days turned into weeks. Weeks became months. Creighton changed at such a young age. He wasn't able to stand up for himself. You fought for him and once you were gone, Creighton had no one. I just wanted him to be strong. No one understands this. I know I probably seem like a total asshole, but I wasn't beating him because I enjoyed it."

"So you're going to tell me you didn't enjoy watching as you put your son so close to death?" 

He sighed. He pulled a chair from the table and sat directly in front of me. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. 

"I did. But I didn't at first. I hated it, but I grew to know that it had to be done."

"You want your son to be strong. But you made him hate you. You made him unable to trust. You made him weak." I spat.

"I did not make him weak!" He shook his head violently. He couldn't handle what I said.

"Love makes people strong. But that is one thing that you never gave Creighton. He didn't have the parental love he needed. He needed it to be strong, but you just made him weak," I kept going. He got up and punched the wall. He pulled his fist back and I could see the dent in the wall.

"Shut up! Now you're going to get it!" He yelled at me and walked over to me. I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed that I would live.

I love you Creighton was the first thing I thought before I lost consciousness. 

Okay guys I am so sorry that I haven't updated in the longest time! I'm going to make up for it though! 

But please give me feedback and comment and vote. I kind have felt like stopping this story because I feel no one likes it anymore....

Even just inbox me and let me know what you think! I'm fine with that too! Anyways thank you for those of you who have kept on waiting for this and are reading this and going to vote. I love you guys! I am sorry for making you guys wait

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