chapter 7

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*Creighton's pov*

"I missed you, Creighton," my mother said with her sweet voice. That sweet voice I haven't heard in almost 12 years. The sweet voice who left me with my father.

I glared at her and didn't say anything. She left me with him. I knew that I wanted her safe, but I wish she would have taken me with her.

"I am so sorry Creighton," she said and her eyes filled with tears. The green eyes that were a mirror image of mine looked broken.

"Mom," I said slowly. It felt weird saying those words. I hadn't called anyone mom in 12 years.

She bit her lip, I remember when I was young that she would do that a lot when she was nervous. It was almost like a reflex for her to automatically do it, even now.

"How did you find me?" I asked her. I mean, she could have come at any time to take me away from him. But she shows up now. When he is gone. When he isn't going to be able to hurt me anymore.

"The hospital looked at your information, and called me. I kept the same phone number, I knew your father would be too lazy to actually try to call me. He would gripe and complain but never look. I had to drive a couple hours to get here. Are you okay?"

"No thanks to you," I mumbled. I looked up at her and a tear escaped her eye. My heart sank.

"Mom, I'm sorry. Things have been hard on me."

"I'm so sorry I left you. I wish I could take it back. I wish I would have waited for you to come home. I am so sorry that I didn't. I didn't know that he would hurt you this bad. I figured it would be a little bit, just because he is an abusive asshole, but never this much. Then the doctors told me that you've had multiple broken bones before. Is that from him?" She said quickly with tears coming out of her eyes. It broke my heart that she was crying, but I couldn't forgive her that easy.

"Why? Why did you leave me?" I asked, avoiding her question.

"I-I thought it was the only day I could. I knew if I didn't leave that he would have killed me. He never left the house, but then he took you to go practice baseball, I seen my opportunity. I thought of you. I knew that he would hurt you a little, but to this magnitude, I didn't. He always boasted about you when you were little. He would say how you were good at baseball. I figured that he would love his son enough to not try and kill him," she hiccuped.

I sat there on my hospital bed processing what my mother just told me. There was no way I was ever good at baseball. But those memories before I came home to her leaving didn't exist.

"Please forgive me. I want to take you back with me. I want you to come with me." Her green eyes pleaded with me.

"Mom, I love you, I always have, I always will. But that doesn't mean I forgive you. It will take some time before I can forgive you," I said and I watched her face fall.

"I understand, but I will do anything to make it up to you," she said.

"Right now, I think I just want to sleep. I'm sorry," I told her earnestly.

She nodded and then got out a piece of paper and a pen.

"If you change your mind, this is my number. I love you, Creighton. I know I wasn't here to say it, but I do. I love you. I have never stopped thinking about you," she said softly and then handed me the piece of paper. I took it and watched her walk out of my hospital room. The tears that I had held back began to flow from my eyes.

I wanted that relationship with my mother. But I didn't trust anyone except for Alex and Abby. I held the number tightly in my hand and drifted off to sleep.

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