Author's Note

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Hey guys!! So I'm sorry but this is not an update....don't kill me please. I just have a couple of announcements.

First I will no longer be basing updates on reads or votes. I will update when my schedule allows me.

Secondly thank you for the support on this story it means the world to me like I can't even explain how much all of this means to me.

And finally....Forbidden Love got 1st place in the Wattpad cupcake contest! Thank you to all who voted....I'd list all of you but that would be long so I'll thank you, you guys know who you are ;) and I will be getting interviewed for Awwthentic magazine so that will be soon be up on wattpad.

P.s. you guys should check out my story blood lust...I promise it's worth it

P.p.s.  check out Unknown by @Worldwith1Dx like seriously that story is perfect I love it. It is fricken amazing I promise.

Love you all don't forget to comment and vote!!

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