chapter 3

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*Creighton's pov*

I ran over to my window, totally forgetting about my broken rib, and rushed out, but not before I grabbed my bag. The adrenaline pumped through my body making it possible for me to feel nothing. I went over to the side of the roof where I knew my father would not be able to see when he looked out.

I crouched down and brought my knees to my chest. I was glad that I got my bag before running out. I figured he probably would be waiting for me to come back in.

I stayed silent but I could hear him yelling. What the hell did I do this time?

"Creighton I swear to god you are going to get it!" He yelled and rolled my eyes. After 4 years of beatings he still has not found my hiding spot. Maybe he thought I was too much of a girl to climb out the window.

"You're so ungrateful! I give you a roof over your ugly head and you can't even put away all this shit!" He yelled and I knew what he was yelling at now. He was yelling at all the stuff down in the living room. It wasn't even me who had all of that shit. It was him but he's always too drunk to remember anything.

I could hear his yelling and it was more muffled so I knew he was downstairs. I quietly moved and climbed down the tree and started walking to school.

"Creighton!" A familiar soft voice yelled and I gave Abby a soft smile.

"Hi, Abby," I said slightly surprised. She wanted to be seen with me?

"Don't act so surprised. I don't care about popularity. I like you, as a friend, and so I'm going to hang out with you. I don't give a damn what people think," she said and walked up beside me.

She was wearing a Rise Against t-shirt and even though it was supposed to be small, it was baggy on her. She had on skinny jeans and red converse. She was my kind of girl. Well the girl I would've wanted to choose to like. Sadly we don't choose who we like.

It was fairly warm but I still wore a long sleeve shirt and I wanted to take it off because I was getting too hot.

"So can you show me around to my classes?" She asked. It was weird how she had transferred here with only a few months left.

"Of course. If you are going to want to be seen with me then I will do whatever you want," I chuckled.

She rolled her eyes and playfully hit my shoulder. Thank god it wasn't on the side with my broken rib.

"Do you want to come over to my house after school? I heard your dad yelling this morning. Maybe you need a day to yourself?" She asked and I could see the hope in her warm brown eyes. She was adorable. I wish I could like her and not Jessamine.

Okay that was a lie. Jessamine had my heart. No girl could take it. Not even this sweet girl.

"Sure. Your parents aren't going to be suspicious as to why I'm limited to movement?" I asked her a little nervously.

"If they know they wouldn't tell anyone. They are trying to stay out of drama. They would just let you stay over so you could escape from your dad. They would help you if you asked them," she said almost pleading for me to tell her parents.

I gave her a warm smile. She was so sweet. If anyone picked on her I would learn how to be tough just to protect her.

We walked into the school and she said her locker number. I smiled and said that it was close to mine. I showed her and I could feel eyes on us.

"Why is everyone staring?" She whispered.

"Probably because you're pretty and new. They would expect you to hang out with the popular girls and not a loser like me," I told her honestly.

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