chapter 10

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*Jessamine's pov*

Creighton didn't want me. I had known he wouldn't want me but it still stung to know that he didn't have those same feelings that I had.

I couldn't blame him. I went from being his best friend to being his bully. I threw myself on my bed and burried my head in my pillow. The tears flowed from my eyes and I couldn't stop them. All I wanted was for the old days.

"Jessamine?" My mother's harsh voice broke through my thoughts and I instantly stopped crying. If she were to see me like this she would hurt me.

"The school called and said you weren't there for the second half of the day," she said and I mentally slapped myself.

"Yeah, I wasn't feeling good." I tried to lie and hoped she wouldn't question it.

"Stop lying," she scolded me and I lifted my head.

"I'm not," I bit my tongue before I said anything more. I honestly needed my mother right now, but she never was a mother to me.

"Fine. But you will be going to school tomorrow," she snapped and then walked out of my room. I let out a breath I had been holding and sighed.

I started crying again. My life was upside down again, and I couldn't take it. Would anyone even care if I was gone?

"Oh by the way," my mother started and I stayed perfectly still.

"I know you went over to see Creighton. I want you to stop that right now. He is not good enough for you," she threatened and I muttered something rude under my breath.

Creighton would be the best thing to ever happen to me. I hated how I treated him, and really I do not deserve anything. I deserve pain and lonliness.

A thought passed through my head and I knew what I had to do. I hopped out of bed and started packing everything that was important to me.

I grabbed my purse which had all of my money and drivers' license. I opened my window and grabbed my bags and jumped out. I quickly ran to my car and threw everything in the back and started the car. Thank god my car was new so that it didn't make a lot of noise when I started it.

I drove off and I finally felt free. I didn't know where I was going, or what was going to happen, but I was not staying here any more.


*Creighton's pov*

"Creighton," Alex's voice spoke to me. I could feel him gently trying to shake me awake, but I refused to open my eyes.

"Dude, you need to wake the fuck up," Alex said in a rushed voice.

I slowly opened my eyes and I could see a worried expression in his eyes.

"What the hell are you waking me up for? You know I'm supposed to get rest so I get better," I complained to him, but he glared at me.

"Now is not the time for joking. I know you and Abby are a thing now, but I have to tell you something about Jessamine," Alex started and I groaned.

"What?" I asked him and looked down at my hands.

"She's gone," he said. My head snapped up and I looked at him in his face. I knew he wasn't lying to me.

"What do you mean she's gone? Where is she?" I asked and worry filled my voice.

"I mean she is gone. She wasn't at school today, and most of the students thought it was because of what happened yesterday. But her mom came in and started throwing a fit because she said her daughter wasn't at home and wasn't at school. Her mother started screaming that she wanted her daughter found now. Everyone is looking for her, but no one has found anything. Her car is gone so she clearly left on her own," Alex explained.

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