Her First Firewhisky

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"Miss Stellifer, you're not exactly part of the faculty, are you?" Ron inquired after a big bite of his chicken leg. It was New Year's eve, dinner time, and the Great Hall was almost completely empty if it weren't for the few students that stayed, two of the few were Ron and Harry. Selena joined them at the Gryffindor table since the rest of the staff were preparing for their own agenda.

"Well, sure. You could say that." She shrugged, then rested her chin atop her open palm. "Why do you ask?"

Ron broke his gaze with her and turned to Harry with a newfound skeptical look, as if he was trying to tell him something. Harry didn't quite get the message, making Ron roll his eyes and eventually leaned in to whisper instead. All the while, Selena waited patiently with a small smile. They seemed to be agreeing on something, and after a few seconds, Harry spoke up.

"I saw my parents a few days ago." He said straightforwardly, making it sound as if it wasn't what he really wanted to say. Even Ron was evidently puzzled, but after a stern look from Harry, he dismissed his suspicions and looked the other way. Despite this, however, Selena was still very much surprised by his words.

"Your parents, Harry?" She asked, now genuinely curious. Harry nodded. "How? Through a photograph? A dream?"

The bespectacled boy shook his head and forced a smile, though his eyes were downward towards his plate. He was picking on his food, Selena noticed. "Professor Dumbledore told me it was the Mirror of Erised. Ron was there with me, but oddly enough, he didn't quite see the same thing."

Selena's eyes widened in shock and the voices of the two drowned into the background. Mirror of Erised?

She finished the rest of her dinner with haste and left the two Gryffindors with short salutations of a joyous new year. She stormed right for the big bronze eagle leading to the Headmaster's Office and impatiently waited for it to rise completely.

"Professor! You brought Harry to see the Mirror of Erised?" Was the first question Selena asked when Dumbledore allowed her inside. The Headmaster's eyebrows rose in surprise at her abruptness. "Why!"

"I believe it's best you're aware that I did not lead him to the Mirror, rather, he found it himself." Dumbledore said with the breath of a chuckle.

Selena paled even more. "But the trials!" She thought of Minerva's chess board and Pomona's Devil Snare.

"Before you worry, my dear, I should tell you that I transferred the Mirror a little later than we have discussed, mainly because of Mr. Potter's discovery. He looked like he was enjoying himself and it was Christmas, after all." Selena seemed very confused, and Dumbledore laughed at her. "The boy is safe, Selena, calm yourself. It is much easier to watch over him now that there are fewer students in the castle. You must trust me, he doesn't know any more besides the Mirror."

"Yet." The Mediwizard added with a grunt, scanning the room for a seat and upon eyeing a small couch, she walked over and slumped against the backrest. "You know what James was like, he never stopped until he got answers. And Harry's been wandering the castle ever since he got here, you told me. What if he already knows everything about the stone?"

"I'm not talking falsely when I say that may be a possibility, considering that Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger are by his side, similar to how James had the other three." The old wizard stroked his white beard. "However, if Harry was truly like his father, he would've made an attempt to get farther than—what was the dog's name—Fluffy."

Selena released a frustrated sigh. "And if he does?"

"Then you keep in mind that Miss Evans is also his mother, and I'm sure Harry has, at least, a little sensibility in him. He will not put himself into harm's way unless it is impossible not to."

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