Her First Record Player

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So far, Selena's return to London has been nothing short of a nostalgic experience, which was odd, given that she has only been away for a few months. Then again, a day at Hogwarts would feel like a whole week; and they did have to rescue Quirrell from a three-headed dog and fend off a loose mountain troll all in the same night.

At dusk of the 24th, the Mediwizard had arrived at her former colleague's home in 42 Smith St., bearing some fresh loaves of bread and exclusive tea from Madam Puddifoot's. Miriam Strout, a warm and amiable St. Mungo's Healer in her mid-40's owned the cozy place all to herself. She was Selena's mentor on the most part while she was still residing at the hospital and after ten years of working together, it's impossible that a friendship had not bloomed out of it.

"I am so glad you made it," Miriam began once dinner commenced. "I honestly didn't know what to expect when I sent you the invitation. Hogwarts has their own fancy, high-end celebration, don't they? I'm sorry if you missed out on what could've been your first holiday party because of me,"

"Miriam," Selena solemnly smiled. "I'm really not missing out on anything as long as it concerns your presence. I've been away for quite some time and it's admittedly refreshing to be absent from candlelights and stone walls. Besides, there's always next year." There was a second of silence.

"Next year?" Miriam chirped. "You're staying until the next school year?"

"Oh..." Selena sighed in regret. "Yes, well," She slowly set down her mug of Earl gray. "I actually forgot to tell you earlier, but Dumbledore's asked me to stay for a couple more years."

Miriam displayed a look of surprise. "But how long is a couple of years?"

"Well, seven to be exact..."

"You'll be absent from St. Mungo's for seven years!" She cried, forgetting the food on the plate in front of her. "You know what this means, don't you?"

The Mediwizard breathed fretfully, "Look, the Headmaster has talked to our seniors about this and he told me not to worry about anything."

"But Selena, your rank... You could lose it."

"That is a possibility..." She shrugged.

"And you don't mind?"

"Not that I don't... It's just... The offer Dumbledore proposed has a great deal of importance and my compliance may or may not affect my life in a big way too... And he's done a lot for me in my youth too, so this could be a good way to repay him, I suppose."

Miriam pouted as her voice softened, "Did he really? Do a lot for you, I mean."

"He did admit me to Hogwarts, he gave me a home,"

"Ha. Not the best of homes..."

Selena snickered, "Still. It was a home."

"And not the most ideal childhood either..."

"Miriam," The younger witch groaned. "The point is he changed my life. And if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here right now."

"Oh, fine... Whatever you wish to believe, I guess." Miriam resigns in defeat. "But are you truly alright with the situation? You know, bringing you away from the hospital... It was so sudden..."

"I really want to tell you more about it, Miriam, but I swore to secrecy. This mouth is sealed." Selena mimicked a zipper in her lips. "Trust me, though. My first few months have been utterly splendid."

A noise of doubt. "Not overworking yourself?"

"Well... Not as much as before." Selena smiled cheekily.

First Things First (Severus Snape x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now