Her First Copy of Magical Me

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It was September 1st and Selena burst out of her chambers with sheer excitement. Dumbledore called for the first staff meeting of the year and she couldn't help but rush down the halls later that afternoon at the thought of seeing all her colleagues complete again. She bonded with them over the course of the previous year and she has felt nothing but warmth and welcome... Perhaps not with Filch, but with everyone else, sure.

Severus arrived the night before from his trip home, but she decided to wait until the meeting to see him. After passing a corner, however, the brooding potioneer himself walked down the hall opposite to her and when they caught eyes, Severus visibly sighed while Selena beamed even more brightly — a typical occurence.

"Professor!" She greeted him when they met in the middle. "Welcome back."

"Miss Stellifer." He acknowledged nonchalantly. "Of course, you of all people, would be thrilled for the new school year. Merlin knows why."

"That, he does." The Mediwizard chuckled and they began to walk side by side down the hallway towards the staff room.

Severus lowered his voice when he replied, "Hopefully, there will be no more saving Potter from hidden chambers this year." He loured. Selena is briefly reminded of the moment she watched Severus carry the unconscious Gryffindor back to the infirmary.

"Or saving him from anything, really." She added. "I hope everything goes smoothly and everything is peaceful— You know, I hope whoever Dumbledore hired this year is decent enough. He refused to tell me who it is."

"Me, as well." Severus said flatly. "Though preferably it's someone who does not share a half-life with an evil being on the back of his head."

"Better check under the next professor's turban, if they ever wear one." They both huffed a single laugh at that.

"Honestly, I don't think I can stand looking at one anymore." He quipped.

They both arrived at the staff room, and this time, he opened the door for her, much to her surprise. She thanked him with a wide grin as she passed through.

"Oh! Selena, Severus, so good to see you both." Minerva greeted her with a hug before proceeding to cling on the arm of the potioneer, clearly invading his personal space. Although, what Selena couldn't tell was whether Severus didn't actually mind or he was just internally reminding himself that going against Minerva was worse than siding with her. It was a comical sight though, whichever position it may be.

The older professor began to ask him questions, "So, how was your trip, young man? — No, you will not sit there, you will sit here, beside me." She chides before the man could get far.

In the moment, Selena reflects how endearing it is to hear Minerva call Severus 'young man' even if he's in his thirties... Then again, if he's been here 10 years, he must've only been 21 when they began working together, other than the fact that she was his professor seven years before that, they've evidently built a unique relationship together.

She giggled at the sight of Severus shrugging his shoulders to free himself from Minerva's hold. "Nothing out of the ordinary, Minerva." A sigh of defeat. "I tidied the shambolic place and went to the cemetery last Thursday. End of story."

"And your father? Did he show?" The Transfiguration Professor pried with a softened voice only the three of them could hear. Selena tried her best not to listen, recalling what occurred two weeks before when they crossed the line on personal matters. She really did not want Severus to reprimand her all because she's been inevitably eavesdropping, though it was difficult not to, especially with all of them sitting beside other.

First Things First (Severus Snape x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now