The First Time They Patrolled Together

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Ghostly bellows of bad dreams brought Selena to the viaduct, one chilly night in October. She wondered why, of all nights, did her nightmares of childhood memories ambush that certain night of tranquility. Not to mention, the previous hours of the day which had been spent with pure delight. Poppy had given her the day off, Merlin knew why, but the matron's supposedly valid account had been along the lines of "You've been working too much." and "You need a break."

That morning, Selena shared it with Hagrid—and occasionally, Fang—as she lent him a hand in carving the harvested pumpkins for the upcoming Halloween celebration. Her lunchtime consisted of pasta and a light-hearted debate with Nearly-Headless-Nick about whether ghosts can catch the Dragon Pox or not, where Selena avidly believed in the latter. She passed the afternoon hours in her natural habitat other than her chambers; In the library, where she quietly drowned in the words of a few Shakespeare sonnets. And after dinner, she was requested to be in the presence of the Headmaster, to whom she fed the content of her event-filled day after being briefed on the Philosopher's Stone and everything related to it, including the 3rd floor corridor and its security measures.

The Mediwizard thought nothing of life except that it was unfair during that very day; For ruining the happiness that sent her to peaceful slumber—or at least, she thought. The candles and torches which earlier illuminated the castle had long been put out, and Selena knew better than to be engulfed in pitch darkness, where she would find anything but solace. So, outside she stood, basking in the moonlight that cannot be dimmed.

Footfalls were suddenly approaching on her left, and when her head snapped in the direction of the sound, she relaxed upon discerning Severus' figure camouflaging in the dark surroundings.

"Didn't scare me this time, Professor." Humoured Selena, hoarsely, and she inaudibly winced at it, afterwards. The potioneer raised a brow as he slowed in his steps, stalking closer.

"Oh? Shame. Perhaps, tomorrow." A soft intake of breath followed, and Selena watched his chest fall at his exhale from the corner of her eye.

The Mediwizard leaned further against the stone banister, settling her gaze on the shimmering ripples of the moat below. "Did you think I was a student out of bed?"

"For a fleeting moment, yes." Severus sighed, "Such disappointment to discover I have no one to scold tonight."

"Shame. Perhaps, tomorrow." Selena mimicked his previous tone, a scoff was his only response. "I thought it was Professor Sinistra's turn to patrol tonight."

"Clearly not." He coolly replied. "In actual fact, I'm not quite finished yet. I still have to make a few rounds by the lake and the covered bridge."

Selena hummed, "Why does that sound so inviting?" She turned to him with a knowing smile, but there was none of her everyday mirth.

The potioneer arched his brows, almost provocatively. "Make of it what you will."

A giggle threatened up her throat. "Can I tag along? I promise to be good."

Severus sighed once more. "Promises can never be trusted." Selena vaguely wondered where the sudden disgruntlement came from. However, despite his words, he beckoned her to follow him, and a breathy laugh escaped her lips.

The first few minutes were spent in silence save for their faint footfalls and the sound of crickets lurking in the dark. Selena and Severus walked side by side with more or less one yard of space separating them. The Mediwizard's focus was on the surroundings barely illuminated by the soft light of Severus' wand, enough to make out the ground, but not enough to stir the sleeping portraits. Selena was not unfamiliar to the loud and harsh words they utter when disturbed.

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