Her First Time Watching From The Slytherin Stands

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"I'm so glad Poppy let me watch today. I tried to convince her to come but she's quite steadfast on just staying at the wing." Said Selena while picking off a banana from the fruit bowl in front of her.

Filius hummed lowly, "I'm not surprised. Poppy was never one for Quidditch..." He seconded. "Something about the noise and the crowded areas."

"Well, she isn't the only one around here who complains about that..." The Mediwizard chuckled to herself as she thought of her potioneer friend. "Maybe while you get older you just start to hate the world?" She quipped, making her old Head of House snicker.

"Don't look at me like I would know. I'm not old, nor will I ever grow old." He kidded, making Selena chuckle, then he faked a sigh—or not, "Or... Just grow, really."

"It's alright, Professor. 'Makes you the cutest amongst all the staff, me included." Selena chuckled.

"Dear, that's already a known fact." She laughed louder. "Oh, look, here comes Severus."

And there the potioneer was, all dressed in his black robes, pausing by Potter and his friends—and by the looks of it, it wasn't pleasant—then proceeded to limp his way to the front once he was done with them. He acknowledged her with a slight nod and the Mediwizard broke into a smile.

"Good morning, Professor." Selena greeted with her usual cheekiness. "Big day, huh?"

"In the event that victory is in our favor, it will be." He exhaled a breath of evident arrogance.

She gave him a bored stare. "Is winning all you think about?"

"Obviously not. I have a life, Miss Stellifer, I think of a lot of things." The Mediwizard simply rolled her eyes. "But as far as the game is concerned, yes, that is all. Isn't that what games are made for?"

"No. Games are made for enjoyment."

Severus crooned. "That's what a loser would say." He earned a glare from the other.

"Now I know why 'smug' starts with an S." Selena gasped. "Oh! And would you look at that; So does Severus."

The potioneer only raised a judging brow before mimicking her tone in a less cheerful manner, "So does Selena."

"And Snape."

A scoff. "And Stellifer." Damn it.

"Just go have your breakfast." She grunted.

"My, my, and stringent..."

"Go!" She ordered, but ended up laughing.

Breakfast passed with the much expected chatter of students and staff alike, including, of course, Selena's daily dose of unenthusiastic caricature from Severus. The morning went on like every day of the past few weeks until Selena and Dumbledore met up with the Heads of Houses standing by the training grounds at noon.

"Oh, there you two are! Walk any slower and we'll miss the first half!" Minerva chided from a few yards away. Selena, though a little sorry, chuckled, anyway.

"Someone's excited."

Albus exhaled a small laugh. "Or it could be the other way around, my dear."

Minutes later, the staff began their stroll to the Quidditch field with Severus leading them. Selena occasionally inhaled the ephemeral cool air, which she thought complimented the suitable warmth of the sun. A smile graced her lips at nature's impeccable bliss, and she hoped it would last longer than she could wish for.

"You chose the right day for the first match, Headmaster." The Mediwizard chirped. "It's absolutely perfect out here."

Albus smiled at her in a fatherly manner. "Indeed, it's quite pleasurable, my dear Selena. Lucky, we are, to have been granted it. On another note, I only wish for one thing today; a fair game."

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