The First Time She Tended To Him

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It took more than just repeated lines of "Professor, please get on the bed." for Severus to actually settle on one. When he finally has, however, he laid unmoving, much to the Mediwizard's distress. Who knew Severus could be so stubborn at times? Though, something at the back of her head told her she should've expected it. With his permission, Selena proceeded to roll up the hem of his black trousers to reveal the wound he copped from Fluffy, resulting in her momentarily frown, remembering that if it wasn't for him, she'd be the one splayed on the bed instead.

She took a seat by his injured leg and summoned a small basin and towel. After a wordless "Aguamenti!", water poured from the tip like a faucet and filled the basin half-way. Selena, then, put her wand aside, dampened the towel and began dabbing on the wound gently, cleaning it.

The first contact caused Severus to flinch, most likely from the sting, and her eyes met his own apologetically, stopping her movements. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Do proceed, Miss Stellifer. I can take it. I'm not a child." His grumbles amused her, evoking a smile on her lips.

They fell right back into the glum quietude of Halloween night, all while Selena finished her work. At times, she felt Severus' eyes on her, but she never bothered to prove her suspicions by sparing a glance back. She would, however, catch the calm rise and fall of his chest, like that night on the viaduct, and unlike the previous events of that evening.

Severus still wasn't himself, she knew. There was still something on his mind he was concerning himself about; His heavy exhales and occasional pensive gazing outside the window made it clear as day to anyone who paid close attention. Selena, while occupied in her mundane labour, vaguely wondered what made him this way. She was at a complete loss and it only piqued her curiosity further, though, she dared not question the potioneer about it.

After a while, she summoned a few jars from the medicine cupboard, preparing for the next step of his healing.

"You know," Selena broke the silence. "I never got to thank you..." Severus' head shifted slightly. "Not just for tonight, but for the Dreamless Sleep too." She met his distant eyes and smiled. "Thank you, Professor. Despite that it's only been two months since we've known each other, you've done me a great deal since."

"Your gratitude is appreciated, Miss Stellifer." Severus bowed his head once. "I should say, however, that you mustn't get used to it."

"To what? You being kind ?" The potioneer's brow quirked ridiculously at the adjective. Selena chortled, "You are kind, Professor, just not amiable I suppose..."

Severus frowned. "What a ludicrous observation." She laughed, then suddenly it ceased.

"Wait! I'm actually still a cross with you." She complained, and he frowned further. "The deferral of our library meeting. A reschedule was all I've been looking forward to during the past few days, and I never got it."

The potioneer merely sighed. "What are you going to inquire of, anyway? I really have no opinions towards the book."

"You couldn't have no opinions, that's impossible. The book was so eventful and Austen is amazing." He scoffed, and then an idea popped into her head. "How about we talk about it now!" Another sigh from Severus. "Oh, come on. Just a few questions and I'll be out of your hair."

"Well, it's not like I have any more modes of evasion now, anyway." He waved his hand for her to begin. "Proceed."

She produced a jovial hum. "Who's the character you liked the most?"

" Merlin ," He pinched the bridge of his nose, making Selena pull a face. Severus sighed, "Elinor, I suppose."

Her face fell further, this time, quizzically. "Elinor?"

First Things First (Severus Snape x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now