The Beginning of Their Partnership

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"I can't believe this! How could Dumbledore not be here now!" Selena mumbled to herself as she sprinted down the marble stairs. Her uniform be damned, the lives of three particular Gryffindors were in danger at the very moment.

She knew from the moment she woke up that morning, something was out of place, and her instincts couldn't be more right. Quirrell was reported to be absent from all his classes today, which could only mean one thing: "He got past the trials!" A gasp elicited from her mouth the moment realization has hit.

The staff was in a commotion no one could calm, how else would one react when just as they were about to retreat to their quarters, the possible return of Voldemort will occur? Minerva was panicking in the Hospital Wing when she rushed to tell them about her three missing Gryffindors, unknowing of what her next move would be. In addition to this, Dumbledore was away at the Ministry, so not only her House but the whole school was under the professor's control.

Selena dropped whatever she was doing and headed to the third floor corridor with haste. She could hear her heartbeat ringing in her ears. She was so scared—frightened actually, of what condition the three children could be in.

Upon entering, Fluffy was contained on one side, leaving room for the trap door, and beside the opening was Severus who scowled at Selena in surprise at her arrival.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" He sneered, but Selena could see in his eyes just how frustrated he was with this situation. She had the sudden urge to calm him down, but even she knew he wouldn't prefer that at the moment. Besides, there was still a vague feeling of mistrust flowing through them from a month ago.

"The children are in danger and I'm a school matron, did you expect me to stay at the Hospital Wing brewing Pepperups?" She spat before looking down the dark hole, into the Devil's Snare.

Severus took turns looking at her and the trap in slight bewilderment. "Miss Stellifer, the risks are—" The Mediwizard ignored him and instead lifted up her gowns.

"Ladies first." She said with her head held high and jumped into the hole, breath hitched. As expected, she landed in a heap of worm-like vines, they were cold and somewhat stiff, an uncomfortable duo. Though she knew all she had to do was stay calm, so there she sat, unmoving. Severus followed in just seconds after her, glaring with mixed emotions.

"You're mad." Was all he said, voice above a whisper.

She scoffed, but didn't look at him. "You have to be when you take orders from Dumbledore."

Nothing else was exchanged since the plant let them fall through and they both landed on the ground with a thump. Severus instantly scanned Selena, and for once maybe it was concern in his eyes, worry even. When he noticed her gaze though, he returned to his stoic demeanor, but proceeded to lead the way, leaving Selena to roll her eyes behind him.

"Not a surprise Potter and his ilk made it past these trials." Severus took notice of the broken pieces of Devil's Snare and he scoffed at the sight of the winged keys pierced right at the wooden door. "I told Flitwick I knew this was a poor idea."

"It wasn't a poor idea, it's just not a good idea considering that Harry and Hermione have such keen eyes for everything." Selena pointed out and rushed to make it out of the keys room.

The first thing she did inside the new room was cough at the amount of dust everywhere. The gigantic chess pieces were broken and already moved. Then at the sight of big, fluffy hair at the other end of the board, she began running. "Hermione!"

The child beamed with equal parts shock and excitement. "Miss Stellifer!" She got up and embraced the matron tightly, the poor thing was probably terrified.

First Things First (Severus Snape x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now