The First Time She Said His Name

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Selena noiselessly entered the 3rd floor corridor, trying her best not to itch or sneeze from all the cobwebs and dust that painted the abandoned part of the castle. She stifled a surprised squeak, however, when the flames on the pillars lit up just as she passed by them, and right after, she perceived soft steps coming from behind. Turning on her heels, the tip of her white wand found itself inches away from Severus' face.

"Merlin, you scared me, Professor." Selena withdrew her wand, lowering it slowly. "I'm starting to think it's becoming a habit for you." The potioneer, however, wasn't in the mood for frivolity at the moment.

"What are you doing here, Miss Stellifer?" Inquired Severus, sternly, much to Selena's shock. "I thought the staff were urged to follow the Headmaster to the dungeons?"

"Don't tell me you're an exception to the staff, Professor." She countered, surprised—and slightly offended—by his unexpected demeanor. He only seemed insistent on her answer to his question, however. She began to explain, "The stone. I think someone's trying to steal it tonight."

"Obviously." Severus huffed in clear strop. "As if I'd allow a mountain troll to enter the castle willingly."

"And I can tell a real faint from a fake one," Selena added. "Which means Quirrell isn't that good of an actor."

"It also means he's up to something." Said Severus. "How long have you been suspecting him?"

"For the past few days now. He's been acting stranger than usual..." They began to head to where the stone was hidden. "But then again," Selena spoke accusingly, glancing at the man as though she was studying him, "He wasn't the only one I found strange lately."

Selena recalled her conversation with Poppy the other day, out of concern for Severus' despondent, closed-off behaviour during the recent days; "Oh, he's always been like that—at least, for the ten years he's been here." Said the matron. "There's always something about the last few days of October that ruffles his feathers real bad."

Severus' stark eyes found hers, and this time, it was Selena who raised a brow at him. He sighed, "Miss Stellifer, if this is about me postponing our meeting in the library—"

"No, it's not." She intervened. "I already told you, it was alright. We were both busy, anyway..." Selena paused.

She was about to ask about his current state, why he's been in low spirits lately; why all he can respond to a dry joke is a scoff instead of matching her wit; why he's been acting so differently compared to the night they patrolled together; but Selena hesitated. And if Severus sensed her awkwardness in the sudden silence, he didn't say anything about it.

The conversation fell short the moment they arrived in front of the ajar door. Severus offered to step inside first, and Selena sauntered right behind him. The sight surprised them both; A massive three-headed dog slept soundly to the lulling music of an enchanted harp, while Quirrell tried to push away its black heavy paw to reveal the trap door below it.

"Sweet Rowena, Dumbledore said the first barrier was a guard dog!" Selena grumbled in hushed tones.

Severus spoke lowly, "I don't see where he's mistaken. It is a dog."

"With three heads!" She whisper-yelled at him.

"There's no time to be afraid now, Miss Stellifer. The protection of the stone is of dire importance at the moment, and I'd rather you help me from letting it get stolen than standing around here."

"Firstly, I'm not scared." She groused, clearly vexed at his attitude. Now, she truly grew more curious of what spurred it on in the first place. "Secondly, you weren't the only one who wasn't fooled. I rushed here with the same intention as you."

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