Her First Encounter With Lucius Malfoy

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It was the day of the season's first Quidditch match and the whole school was filled with the mirthful chatter of students, most likely betting on whether Lion or Snake will end in victory afterwards. Madam Pomfrey's trusty Mediwizard was even asked her own opinion by some Hufflepuff third-years, to which she replied with a joke, "I just hope none of them gets fatally injured — because then, I lose."

After breakfast, Selena was heading down towards the dungeons carrying two books and a folder. She entered the empty Potions classroom and knocked on the door of the potioneer's office.

"It's open." Severus' low voice said from inside.

"It's just me." She smiled at him as she slipped inside. "Look, I know you're busy with Quidditch and all right now, but I made additional research last night that I want you to look over."

Severus paused in what appeared to be preparing his coat, and took a seat on his chair. "Show me."

Since the start of November, Selena and Severus have been meeting up in the library or studying in the staffroom for the Mandrake Restoration Draught. They made an effort to see each other everyday after dinner, for two hours, except on Thursdays, where he has his last period free and they use that time instead.

Selena was only mid-way in explaining a part of her personal gatherings when there was another rap on the door. The two glanced at each other wonderingly, then the Mediwizard shut the folder while Severus stood and made his way to the door.

"Good morning, Severus," A low voice, slick with the tone of a wealthy man, was in earshot. "You look too surprised to see me."

Sauntering inside after the potioneer was Lucius Malfoy, clutching his snake-handled cane in one hand. Upon setting eyes on Selena, he raised his eyebrows in the most vague unexpectedness and turned to Severus questionably.

The potioneer cleared his throat, "Lucius, this is Selena Stellifer, new Head Mediwizard of the infirmary — Selena, Lucius Malfoy, one of the school governors and —"

"Draco's father." She put the pieces together, a smile adorning her lips. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Malfoy." Their hands met in the middle, and she didn't dare break the intense eye contact.

"So you are the Selena Stellifer." He said, sounding impressed. "Your name has been quite the talk amongst the St. Mungo's beneficiaries — which I'd like to say, I've long been a part of."

Selena looked at him curiously. "I do hope it's not bad talk — and thank you, Mr. Malfoy, I'm sure the hospital is deeply obliged." He displayed a satisfied grin.

"Nothing bad — quite the contrary; your skills and your rank at St. Mungo's are higher than exemplary, which is why many have been wondering why you decided to leave? — what does this school offer that the hospital does not?"

"I've been requested to be here by the Headmaster himself, to monitor his health at his behest and work under Poppy Pomfrey." The usual white lie. "I came here because they needed me, I did not leave because I wished to. Then again, I'm to return to St. Mungo's when allowed."

"Oh?" Lucius stressed. "And what is Dumbledore's relation to you? Why pick you, specifically?"

She was rather surprised at the sudden interrogation, though she did not let this scare her. "He discovered me like how you did yourself, Mr. Malfoy — he's heard of me and my skill and decided he wanted only the best." Selena said proudly, smirking at the end of her sentence. Lucius stared at her for a while, then smiled handsomely.

"A woman who knows her worth." He turns to Severus. "I like her."

The potioneer did not comment on that. "Would you care for tea?" He asked, instead.

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