Her First Summer at Hogwarts

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"Hagrid, do calm your Hippogriffs, Harry's gonna love the gift." Selena jokingly scolded the fretful half-giant. The two of them were standing by the train, waiting for Harry to bid them goodbye before he departs. In the swarm of students hugging or rushing to get good seats on the train, Harry's grinning face appeared and approached them.

"Thought you were leaving without saying goodbye, did ya'?" Hagrid chuckled, bending down to get on the same level as the boy. He proceeds to hand Harry the photo album Selena knows he's been working on for the past week. "This is for you."

Selena watched the boy beam with delight as his eyes landed on the photo of James carrying him as a baby and Lily standing right beside them, kissing the back of his little hand. As much as she was happy for him, her little girl self wondered why there weren't any pictures of her parents laying around. If they were just as much a hero as Lily and James—at least, according to Dumbledore—how come nobody ever talked about them? Her thoughts were cut off by Harry who was now speaking to her.

"—Thank you too, Miss Stellifer, for everything you did for us this year." The boy said, pertaining not just to him but to his friends as well.

"Don't mention it, Harry. It's my duty, after all." She smiled, not just because of Harry, but also the double meaning of what she just told him. Silently, she wished him his safety for the summer. "You be good, yes? No giving your cousin pig ears." She said with an elbow nudge to Hagrid, making him laugh.

Not long after, Selena and Hagrid waved goodbye until the train was no longer seen from where they stood, then they walked back to the castle with wistful faces.

"We'll see 'em lil' devils in two months time, Miss Stellifer." Hagrid said, causing her to chuckle. "Fer' now, enjoy yer' first summer at Hogwarts. We have tons o' fun."

Indeed, it was her first time spending summer in Hogwarts, and Hagrid was right, it was fun—in fact, it was very interesting too. Some of the staff return home for the summer, like Pomona and Flitwick who they had to bid adieu to a few days after the end-of-term, they weren't coming back until the second week of July.

Others like Minerva and Poppy would be present on school grounds during the day only to return to their homes at night. The Transfiguration Professor owned a cottage down at Hogsmeade, wherein she even promised to take Selena one day.

She was able to spend more time with Dumbledore in the summer than during the school year. She was usually invited to seek him in his office or they would find themselves taking a stroll around the school. They talked mostly of frivol matters than serious ones, like book recommendations or new healing potion studies. It was a relief for her since dwelling on her childhood was the last thing she wanted. And as much as she wanted answers for it, she also didn't want to open up about certain things like the man in the Mirror of Erised.

Speaking of, Severus brought it up in one of their conversations one day in mid-July. The Mediwizard suddenly recalled promising him to tell him "later" but that seemingly never happened. Ever since the night they sealed the partnership, Selena absentmindedly spent most of her time with the potioneer. She found herself already knocking on the Potions Classroom door or meeting at the library, sometimes just by chance.

"Share what you wish me to know." He added, lighting a cigar by the railing. The two were spending one late afternoon at the top of the Astronomy Tower. That day she also discovered that Severus smoked tobacco. "You don't mind, do you?"

"Not really," And it was true, she grew up with someone who was addicted herself. "I've had my fair share of cigarette smoke. It's like greeting an old acquaintance."

"Would you care for one then?" He invited, beckoning her with the box of unused white sticks.

Selena shook her head, "No, thank you."

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