Her First Time Dog-Sitting

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"Good morning, Poppy. I hope you slept well, especially after yesterday." Selena greets merrily, but with a slight groan, as she enters the Hospital Wing with a slight skip in her step. The older matron was just beginning to clear away a few empty potion vials laying around the side-tables when she walked in.

"If by well, you mean; it's the last day of the school year, then yes, I probably would have." Poppy only clicked her tongue when Selena's chuckles filled the room. "Honestly, dear, you expect me to have a good night's sleep knowing I'll have to report to work on a Sunday morning? The sun isn't even fully up!"

The Mediwizard chuckled defeatedly as she tidies her apron. "This serves us right for being too lazy to clean up after ourselves last night, Poppy. I'm just glad there aren't any more Quidditch games until after the holidays. I don't think I can attend to another load of patients for thirteen hours straight."

"Oh dear, neither can I. Not even before you arrived were there a lot of injuries." The matron grumbled before muttering a spell to clean the wooden desk before her. "'Don't know what's gotten into the students these days..."

"I know... In fact, I don't remember Quidditch being so aggressive at all—at least, student-initiated Quidditch."

"And I can't help but notice, everytime someone gets injured... I don't want to be that person, but it's always because of those darn—"

"Miss Stellifer," A deep voice cuts Poppy off mid-sentence. The Potions Master situated at the entrance of the Hospital Wing wore a sour look on his face, but now that Selena has resided at the castle for a few months, it seemed that the countenance was quite common as far as Severus was concerned.

"Professor Snape," Selena acknowledged with a single nod, followed by a soft smile. "Good morning."

"Speak of the devil," Poppy fussed to herself before Severus spit any reply. The two, especially Severus, turned to her with a frown. "Your hands got on a few of my bicorn horns last night, young man. Don't think for a second that I didn't notice."

"Miss Stellifer, the morning is never a good time, take this for one of the reasons why." He says boredly while also eyeing the direction of Poppy. Selena rolled her eyes but her smile widened amusedly. Severus turned to Poppy, "As for the bicorn horns, Poppy, the potion was an urgent request from the Headmaster. You did mention that if ever I needed anything, I must come here at once..."

"Yes, but I meant it in regards to your health, Severus, not as an apothecary customer." The aged woman countered, making Selena laugh while the potioneer sighs. Poppy resumed her task, drawing her wand and enchanting two brooms to sweep the floor. "Anyways, it's uncanny, finding you here on a Sunday this early in the morning. What brings you here?"

"I am to deliver a message," Severus returned his gaze towards Selena, "Your presence is requested at the gamekeeper's hut. It's urgent, he says, though personally, I highly doubt it."

"Hagrid?" Selena parroted in a mix of shock and confusion."Why would Hagrid send for me now? How does he even know I'm awake?"

"He, and I quote, "Needs you badly, it may not even be just his life at stake for this." Replied Severus. "And he knows you're awake because of that screeching owl of yours at five in the morning. I swear, if I didn't know you owned I may have already... done something to it."

Now, the Mediwizard was just in complete bemusement. "But I don't... own an owl?"

"Oh?" Severus' said in a newfound surprise. "Well, let's not squander our time any longer, Miss Stellifer. You must seek Hagrid while I search his hut for a good weapon."

First Things First (Severus Snape x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now