Their First Argument

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The holidays eventually came around despite Severus' lousy claims of "There is nothing to be excited for. It happens every year." Although Selena never accepted his monotony anyway, as if she'd let him spend Christmas without the season's spirit—at least, even just a little. Hagrid returned from his "mission" earlier than expected, and as soon as he arrived, Selena returned Fang to him with sad coos.

"How are ye' Miss Stellifer? Fang wasn't an inconvenience, I hope?" Hagrid greeted as Selena entered his hut. Fang immediately resumed his seat on the couch, relaxing in the familiarity of his true home after days sleeping in Selena's quarters.

"No, no, he wasn't. On the contrary, he was an actual angel." Selena grinned at the half-dozing dog. "Even when I had to leave him with Professor Flitwick for a short while, he was quiet and polite in the classroom—Oh! I hope that was alright with you, Hagrid. I had a spontaneous errand to make, I didn't have time to write to you about it. I also didn't want to bring Fang outside, it was really cold that day, and he seemed to enjoy staying in the warmth."

"As long as he wasn't a disruption to the education of the students," The half-giant said. "Merlin, Miss Stellifer, ya' might've spoiled him teh' much. Seemed to enjoy stayin' in the warmth... I'm sure Fang can endure the coldness!" Hagrid laughed, and began to boil some water. "What was this errand o' yers' an'way?"

"Oh, just a quick visit to Hogsmeade for a few potion ingredients," Selena said distantly. "We ran out of bicorn horns and other stuff..."

He turned around. "Alone?"

"No, no, I was with Professor Snape."

The gamekeeper hummed to himself, resuming to his work, "Ya' seem to be spending a lot o' time with the Profess'er lately..." And what followed was a smirk not even his shaggy beard could hide.

Selena quirked her eyebrows at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Hagrid shifted quite oddly, as though he was purposefully trying to avoid her gaze. "'Meant it literally, Miss Stellifer. Ya' really spend a lot o' time with him. Tis' all."

She didn't believe him, of course. Hagrid was never a good liar, after all, but the Mediwizard never pursues a topic she invests no curiosity in, such as this one. Whatever the half-giant wanted to imply, with that statement, she wasn't up for a conversation about it. She was afraid it would change what she thought about her potioneer friend, and so with one knowing glance, they went on to talking about Minerva instead. Selena just hoped he wouldn't bring it up again in the near future too.

The next time Selena saw Hagrid, he was dragging freshly chopped pine trees across the castle on the way to the Great Hall, where other members of the faculty were decorating them. She was on her way to the Hospital Wing when the giant fig tree blocked almost the whole corridor and himself. A smile prompted on her face when she pictured the familiar first-year Gryffindors, Harry and Ron, who were chatting with the gamekeeper. She was going to call for their attention until Draco Malfoy and his two other Slytherin friends appeared. He insulted Ron, and before the red-haired boy could do anything more worse than grabbing Draco by the collar, she interfered.

"Malfoy!" Selena scolded, but at the same time, a familiar voice in the same tone said, "Weasley!" And her eyes shot up to meet Severus' own.

A very awkward silence followed; Selena could feel Hagrid's eyes occasionally averting from her form to Severus' while Ron and Draco seemed to slowly back away from each other in the corner of her eye.

The half-giant was the first to speak, his head barely popping out of the tree. "He was provoked, Professor Snape," He explained, though Severus didn't seem to buy it.

First Things First (Severus Snape x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now