Her First Dinner At The Head Table

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Selena stirred bright and early on September 1st, just as the golden rays seeped through the ancient windows of her chambers. She spent most of the day cooped up in the library, as there were still no occupations of any kind required of the Hospital Wing. Her initial plan was to take a stroll around the grounds, but she didn't want to disturb the busy professors at work preparing for tomorrow's start-of-term. The students were arriving later that night, the sole reason for the excited skip in her step. The castle would finally be free from the uncanny silence summer provided and become the Hogwarts Selena was more familiar with.

The book currently in her hands was not a one of the library's, but a one of her own; A selection she purchased from a muggle bookshop years ago. She was very invested in muggle novels, particularly in the works of Jane Austen, author of her favorite, Sense and Sensibility. The Mediwizard would read the classic over and over again, reliving the heart-warming sensation of her favorite parts and every time would feel as though it was the first time she had read it.

"I never suspected you as an Austen enthusiast, Miss Stellifer."

The deep voice startled Selena, her eyes shot up immediately only to meet Severus' own sombre ones. She frowned upon perceiving the slight relax of his face, clearly feeling smug about surprising her without the intention to.

"Professor! Why, I never suspected you even knew Austen." The Mediwizard replied, almost like a question, and in return, it made Severus frown as he moved to take a seat opposite to her.

"Just because I appear as if I'm practically incarcerated here doesn't mean I actually am." His offended reply graced an amused smile on Selena's face. "I reside in the dungeons not under a rock, for Merlin's sake."

"Point taken." She stifled a soft laugh. "So, you know Austen. Do you have a favorite?"

"No." The potioneer scoffed with evident dislike. "Sentiment is not my cup of tea, which is why I barely made it three chapters into Persuasion."

"And you've never bothered with another work after that?" Asked Selena, disbelievingly, and Severus merely shrugged his shoulders as a response. "Well then, Professor, I must recommend you this. It's my personal favorite: Sense and Sensibility." She pushed the book forward for him to take a closer look.

"I truly hope you aren't doing this to spite me. I did just say I'm not fond of sentiment." He sighed whilst accepting the hardcopy selection and scanning the pages with boredom, but slight attentiveness was present too.

"They're three different things, Professor; Sense, sensibility and sentiment." Selena argued with a chuckle, "And who knows? You might just like it."

"Still, it won't change my views on sentiment." He stated firmly, making Selena roll her eyes. We'll see about that, she thought. "I'm merely reading it out of curiosity and because you advised me to. It would be rude to decline."

"Terribly rude." She parroted with a smile. Severus redragged the book across the table but Selena pushed it back with strings of "No."

He raised a brow in confusion. "But you haven't finished."

"Keep it. I was only passing the time. Besides, I've read that enough times, I practically memorize it." She said, earning a feeble scoff from the potioneer.

"And if you wish to seek it again?"

"I won't, especially now that I await your opinions about it." The Mediwizard smiled profusely.

Severus studied her with uncertainty, until eventually he nodded and inserted the book with the other parchment he's been carrying. "Don't expect me to finish soon."

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