The First Time She Apologized to Lockhart

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It's late in the night, probably minutes until 12am, when Selena caught the urge to help herself to warm milk. She couldn't fall asleep, yet she didn't think it was the best time to brew a Sleeping Draught. Milk tasted much better, anyway.

Quietly making her way to the kitchens, she came across Professor Dumbledore at the bottom of the moving staircases. He was in his dressing gown and a nightcap, headed the same way as her.

"Selena? Why aren't you in bed?" He asked calmly.

"Couldn't fall asleep." She shrugged.

"We have the same predicament here, I see." The old man chuckled. "Come, my dear, I reckon a warm drink and a short walk will tire us — I've been meaning to talk to you, after all."

Selena pursed her lips in an avoiding manner, "About Lockhart?"

"That's one of the things," Dumbledore didn't sound mad, didn't even look the part. A small smile lingered beneath his beard as he said this, and Selena was quite relieved. She knew few of the things that made him truly angry, though she was glad screaming at a colleague wasn't part of the list.

The kitchens were dim and empty, the aroma smelt similar to when one would walk into a local bakery. The two tried their best not to cause any hubbub, not wanting to interrupt any of the hard-working elves from their slumber. Selena walked out with her warm milk while the Headmaster sipped contentedly from his mug of hot chocolate.

"Professor, you know why I don't like him," Selena said as they began their stroll around the corridors. "If it wasn't for his over-confidence in performing a wrong spell, Harry would've been sleeping perfectly well in his bed tonight."

Dumbledore hummed, "Be that, as it may, my dear, nothing gives you the right to speak ill of a colleague."

"The others do it." She weakly countered.

He sighed, eyes twinkling though. "At least, not in front of students, then." Now, Selena had no defense. "Which, in your case, is the root of this situation." A beat. "Students witnessed your outburst, Selena, and it wasn't long for that to reach everyone else... There are still some who have their faith and admiration in Lockhart, those who are still keen to have him teach lessons... And as staff, we must not bias them on who to like or dislike, because that may impact their learning."

Selena stared guiltily into the milk. "What should I do about it, then? — it's not like I could take it back from everybody now."

"That's true, my dear," Said Dumbledore. "Though, you did not commit fault to the students, but to Professor Lockhart... "

"Are you suggesting I apologize to him?"

A single nod, "If a wise person faults, the best and foremost action for reconnection is repentance."

Selena hummed, admittedly impressed. "And who quoted that?"

"I did." The Headmaster grinned.

She chuckled, yet shook her head at him. "Ever so wise, Professor, ever so wise — say, can I write him an apology, instead?" Selena earned an unamused look from the old man, but he didn't voice out any disagreement...

The topic was dropped when the two beheld the frozen body of a young Gryffindor on the stairs, knelt beside him was his Head of House, who had the most worrisome look on her face. Selena felt the color drain from her body as she rushed and knelt towards them, whilst Dumbledore towered over them concernedly.

"Albus! Selena!" Minerva nearly cried as she saw them. "Colin Creevey — he was — I don't —"

"Minerva," Dumbledore soothingly called as he moved towards her. Instinctively, she rose and clung onto his arm tightly. "Breathe."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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