Their First Encounter

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Platform 9 3/4 appeared as if twelve years hadn't gone by at all; white smoke emitted from the train's front, befogging most of the station but despite this, she was still able to perceive the nostalgic words HOGWARTS EXPRESS emblazoned on the front of the train. Not to mention the bright red hue of its entirety, which one had to be blind to miss. The only piece missing to complete the scenario was the presence of bumbling students and mirthful parents, though frankly, she was rather pleased without them.

"Miss Burgess, the train will be leaving momentarily."

"Stellifer." The elegant-looking woman halted the aged express employee. "Miss Stellifer, please. I don't frequent the name Burgess."

Selena Stellifer. That was her name—for this part of her life, at least.

"Miss Stellifer, my apologies. Your luggage has been taken care of. Shall I escort you to your compartment?"

The trip to Hogwarts felt quicker than usual, and yet, she was made certain that more or less four hours had already gone by. As the train began to slow in motion upon arriving at Hogsmeade Station, the sun had already dipped into the horizon. With haste, Selena made her way to the castle after being reassured once more that her belongings were properly dealt with.

Dumbledore, and the urgency evident in the letter he wrote to her the week prior, was the reason she came at once. He explained to her, in detail, that the circulating rumors of You-Know-Who's inevitable return is, in fact, faultless, and persuaded her to assist him on a few things. Adding that her kind of intelligence—something she's known for having—can help ease a few predicaments they may encounter in the next few years. She will also serve as an additional guardian to the famous Harry Potter.

The two settled it that same week; Dumbledore consulting Selena's seniors at St. Mungo's about her immediate transfer to the Hogwarts Infirmary, and Selena spending the rest of the week packing away. She would act the role of a Mediwizard to veteran Healer Poppy Pomfrey while Dumbledore wasn't in dire need of her assistance.

As the mist over the moat cleared, she relished in the view of the castle, which still stood as grandiose as ever through the years. However, it was deprived of the usual noise produced by chattering students, but seeing that it was still summer, after all, it was only natural. A lone figure standing under the threshold of the school entrance seemed to be waiting for her, and only from the hat alone did Selena instantly recognize the person's identity.

"Good evening, Miss Stellifer." Greeted her old Transfiguration Professor with a considerable amount of welcome, but at the same time, harboured the sternness of her usual tone.

Now that she could grasp a much closer look, Selena noticed how much the professor evidently aged since she last saw her. Her hair, which had been black back in the day, was now inverted into a natural white, and obvious wrinkles formed on her face and pale hands. She still dressed in unchanging green robes, however, and still retained an underlying love of pointed witch hats.

"Hello, Professor McGonagall." Selena offered a small smile, causing the other to do the same, only briefly.

"Just Minerva, dear. I have enough people calling me Professor. Besides, you aren't my student anymore, rather, my newfound colleague."

"Well, in that case, Minerva," A new addition to the few things Selena had to get used to. "Selena would be much more preferable than Miss Stellifer."

"As you wish, Selena." Replied Minerva understandably, and it made Selena's smile widen. "The Headmaster is expecting you. Allow me to see you to his study."

The two women strolled about the castle with their hushed chatter echoing like whispers. When inquired of her current life status, Selena began to talk about the Mediwizard training at St. Mungo's she participated in just after the war. In addition to that, she spoke of her overall well-being and how she's been able to pick herself up after graduation.

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