Their First Dinner Together

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"I remember when yeh' wer' a wee student like 'em, Selena. Readin' for aye — never seen yer' face wih'out a book in front o' it." Hagrid mused, causing Selena to grin up at him.

They were watching students fill the Great Hall from their table while quietly munching on cheese and grapes, waiting for the feast to begin. Some students waved at her, and upon recognizing them, she waved back happily. She was glad to have made acquaintances with most students, though sometimes, she finds herself guilty for not remembering some of their names.

"I think everyone is wee for you, Hagrid. Even now." Selena pointed out and they both chuckled. "You know, I will never forget the time you showed me the —"

"Hagrid, if you'll excuse me," Severus appeared behind Selena's chair all so suddenly. The two turned to look at him. "I need to borrow Miss Stellifer for a minute — or two."

Hagrid glanced at Selena for a brief second, a ghost of a smirk on his lips, and nodded at Severus. "O' course, Professor."

"What's wrong?" Selena inquired with the potioneer. It surprised her when he leaned in to whisper.

"We may have already encountered a problem with Potter." He said in an edgy manner, and it made her turn to the sea of students.

"What do you mean? I don't see him."


That was how the pair excused themselves from the feast and were now walking down the corridors hastily.

"Are you certain that's everyone? Perhaps he's just been caught up in the train or something?" Selena asked in between breaths. "I mean, I believe Hagrid would know if Harry was missing — though he seems rather calm to me."

Severus shrugs, "Hagrid's responsibility are the first years. Perhaps, he also wondered but came to the same conclusion as you." He made a point, knowing Hagrid, that was a possibility. "And I've inquired with Mr. Filch minutes ago — says he hasn't taken the luggage of Potter or Weasley."

"Both of them?" Severus nods once at her question. She began to panic slightly. "Oh, I hope they're alright — wait, where are we even going if we don't know where they are?"

"I have a suspicion, though I do hope I'm wrong." The potioneer mumbled.

At the sound of an aggressive ruffle and swaying of tree branches, Severus led the way to the Whomping Willow. Even if it was quite dim, though courtesy of the moonlight, the damage of the tree was very noticeable. Leaves have fallen, twigs were everywhere and some of its branches were snapped in half.

"Oh, you poor thing — what do you think happened to it?" Selena absentmindedly walked towards the Whomping Willow, blinded by her concern. It wasn't until Severus called out to her and warned not to get too close.

"Let's head back to the feast — Potter's most likely there now." Severus muttered, and Selena turned to him puzzledly.

"Wait, what? — do you mean Harry did this?" She inquired but received no reply. "Severus?"

The muffled applause and cheers were getting louder and louder the nearer they got to the Great Hall, but the man seemed hear something else apart from it. He slowed his pacing, looking both directions cautiously.

"Do you hear that?" He asked quite inaudibly.

"Hear what...?" Selena tried hard to focus on anything that wasn't the students' noise, but it was too difficult. When they stood there for a minute too long, she decided to continue their way back.

First Things First (Severus Snape x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now