The First Petrified

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Selena was no stranger to the sudden unresponsiveness of the potioneer when October 31st rolled around. She hadn't seen him all day, even at breakfast and lunch, where Minerva shared her concerns for him. According to her, he chose to dine by himself in the confines of his office, and the Mediwizard was slightly disheartened by the news.

She recalled what the Transfiguration Professor told her exactly a year ago today — He lost someone very dear to him on this day; Severus... Eleven years ago — Now, twelve. At the remembrance, she dwelled on whoever this person was once again, and how important they must be in his life for him to still be affected by it. Could it be his mother? For his father has not died, according to him — not that he seemingly cared much for him either.

Her thoughts have been forcibly paused when she entered the Great Hall at dinner, and saw the man himself seated at the staff table — she couldn't have been more quick in claiming the chair beside him.

"Hello there." She smiled as she sat.

"Good evening, Miss Stellifer." His dry demeanor, and honestly just from calling her by her last name, was a sign of his not being himself — at least, the version of him around Selena.

The Mediwizard did not know whether to carry on with the small talk, since she could sense the awkwardness, and knowing Severus, even he'd think it's not the best path to take right now. Though the more she sat and watched the lively chatter of bumbling students in the hall, she could not help but speak her thoughts.

"Can you believe it was a year ago today when Quirrell let the troll into the castle? Hopefully another disaster isn't waiting to happen." She attempted to start a conversation.

"Yes, hopefully." But the way Severus simply nodded told her it was better to give up. She did not want to push him, just as much as she wanted for him to forget about it for a while, at least for the entirety of dinner.

The Halloween Feast went on just as last year, except no Dark Arts Defences teacher ran down the hallway screaming about a troll on the loose. In fact, the current professor of that department was — thankfully, seated far away from her and also — going on about the scariest adventure he went on to some professors nearby.

With no hope of conversing with Severus, except for the occasional favor of passing a dish, Selena spoke with Madam Hooch who sat on her other side, where they discussed mostly Quidditch and the like.

Severus was the first of the staff to vacate the table the moment Dumbledore called for bedtime, Minerva glanced at Selena and visibly sighed, then stood to follow the potioneer, her green robes flowing behind her in her hurry.

It did not take long until the rest of the staff eventually followed suit, then the students, and soon the Great Hall was left empty. She walked side by side with Poppy, and while the head matron was rambling on about some student with a ridiculous cause-of-injury earlier in the day, Selena was rather occupied by her worry for the Slytherin Head of House.

There was a sudden commotion in a corridor that made the two ladies stop in their steps: A crowd of students were huddled around the wall, and after overhearing some of their remarks was when Selena noticed that the floor they stood on was rather flooded, most likely from Myrtle's lavatory nearby.

They both excused themselves to get to the front of the scene, and gasped at the sight of Mrs. Norris hanging rather stiffly on a torch while Argus Filch's face was contorted with fury — this fury towards Harry, Ron and Hermione, she later discovered. Pushing through the crowd across her was Dumbledore, Minerva, Gilderoy and Severus, who caught her gaze specifically — they both had the same skeptical look.

First Things First (Severus Snape x Original Female Character)Where stories live. Discover now