His First Time Listening To Bee Gees

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From where she lay on her bed, Selena admired the way the seven o' clock sun painted her room gold. It was the only second day of the first week, and she could not have been more excited than she was yesterday, but her spirit just hadn't died down yet. After her usual morning routine, her hair only half-way done and the pin squashed in between her lips, she was already out the door of her office.

She unlocked the Hospital Wing and jerked the curtains to the side to let in the warm sunlight. With the beds and the medical equipment laying about, it looked almost like a scene in St. Mungo's, save for the hustle and bustle of Mediwizards and Healers, people almost crashing into an occupied stretcher and the cries of either joy or sorrow by visitors.

The book she brought in today was Jane Austen's Emma, something she started yesterday and would indubitably finish by dinner time. There haven't been a lot of patients yet, only three or so who come in for headaches or stomach aches. Poppy was down in her office, checking for any defects on the potion vials and bottles they ordered. After the bell rang, signalling the end of second period, Selena decided to visit the staff room. Though she loved reading, she still somewhat felt quite bored sitting about, not a soul to talk to.

On her way there, on the stairs specifically, she passed two second-years who had been talking rather loudly.

"...because why let them out when you couldn't manage them back in! It was pure chaos in there!" A Slytherin boy exclaimed.

"Perhaps, that's just how Lockhart's way of teaching is... It's more hands-on." A rather softer Hufflepuff girl countered him. "Experience — it's a better way of learning. He did it in his books —"

"The only thing I learned today was never to open a cage of Cornish Pixies." The other cut her off, and before Selena could hear the next part of the conversation, they were already out of earshot.

The Mediwizard peeked her head into the staff room, and the faces of Minerva, Filius and Professor Aurora Sinistra were in view. They had all just arrived, she reckoned, assuming from the untouched glasses of water on the table.

"Guess what I just found out." She mischievously sang before fully slipping inside.

"If it's Albus assigning more work this week, I'd rather not hear it." Minerva declared, turning her head the other way. Nobody could tell if she was joking or not.

"Heavens, no — This is about Lockhart." Selena said with a glint in her eyes as she pulled a chair and sat with them.

"What about him, Selena?" Filius asked, not a stranger to the antics of Gilderoy Lockhart, who was once his student too. The two ladies looked at her wonderingly.

"I was on the stairs, just minutes ago, when I heard students complaining about his last lesson — Apparently, he set free a cage-full of Cornish Pixies and left them to it!" The three teachers' faces contorted into surprise.

"Cornish Pixies." Minerva scowled. "Completely harmless, though quite the most irksome little creatures — I'd rather have faced that troll last year than deal with them."

"Lockhart's never been one of our brightest students." The Head of Ravenclaw muttered, and Minerva nodded to that. "I'd rather not speak ill of a colleague, especially since he's only started, though I must point out that he seems to have not changed a lot... "

Selena stifled a fake laugh. "Professor, I don't think Lockhart changed at all —"

The conversation came to a pause when the door abruptly swung open and a swoosh of black robes stormed into the room, making a beeline for the water fountain.

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