His First Time Refereeing

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"Hagrid!" Selena cheerily called for the half-giant a few feet away. He showed her a small wave before returning to watering what appeared to be wild Wiggentree. "You know, the Hospital Wing has been quite low on Wiggenweld Potions lately." She giggled while ducking down like a curious little girl around the plant.

With a humorous grunt, the gatekeeper shooed her away with a watering can the size of a stool. "Aye! Go plant yer' own, Miss Stellifer. Don't ya' come near Ferbert." He said protectively.

"Must you name everything, Hagrid? Ending with a 'bert' at that." Selena shrugged, remembering the time when he asked if 'Norbert' was a good name. Unique choice, but she supposes it's for another plant. "I may as well be Selbert to you, huh?"

"Nay, Miss Stellifer. To me, yer' a monkey, cute an' fun but bananas." The Mediwizard smacked Hagrid on the arm, but of course he is not bothered by this, considering the size of him. He chuckles at her embarrassment instead. "Headin' to the match, are ye?"

"Yes, actually. Just thought I'd drop by since I'm a bit early." She explained. "Are you coming with?"

"Unfortunately, not today. I've received special orders from Dumbledore that I need to accomplish ere the end o' the week. Ye' have fun though, an' make sure Professor Snape won't wind up in the Hospital Wing right after."

Selena absentmindedly averted her gaze to the mountains. "Yes, I quite fear that."

"Heard' it's his first time refereein', so I think it's best you watch out for him the most." From the corner of her eye, Selena can see Hagrid glance at her. She could've sworn she caught a smirk too.

"I'm on stand-by for everyone, Hagrid. It's my job as the school matron." She warily smiled at him while her hands shot into the pockets of her uniform. "I shall be making my way then. I ought to greet the teams with some good luck before the game starts."

The half-giant nodded. "Give my best to Harry, will ye?"

"Certainly." Said Selena before jovially prancing towards the Quidditch pitch.

The first month of the year had just passed and not long after, so would the second. The chill of winter still lingered though the snow has already been long gone. Golden sunlight broke through the thick clouds and graced its warmth of everything it may see. It was a perfect day for a match, the Headmaster was always so good at deciding the schedules for the games. The journey to the pitch was relaxing for the Mediwizard, especially now since she hasn't been out a lot for the past few weeks; students always found themselves in runny noses during the cold weather, though sometimes, Selena believed it was only a tactic to avoid classes.

Instead of going directly to the Ravenclaw stands, she approached the field first, where Severus was seen conversing with Madam Hooch, dark broomstick in hand. Selena laughed to herself, she has never seen the potioneer on a broom, and in her imagination, it looked like such an odd sight.

"Good morning, Madam Hooch, Professor Snape." Selena acknowledged the both of them coyly, hands behind her back. "Beautiful day, isn't it?"

"A very good day, indeed." Hooch looked relieved to see the Mediwizard. "Selena, dear, you were an exceptionally good flyer during your time, yes? Perhaps you would like to give our fellow colleague some advice." She pointed to the Potions Master who accommodated a frown on his face.

"Hooch, I am already in pain due to your mere presence more than myself falling off this broom." Severus retorted to which the Flying Instructor let out a laugh. "And Stellifer, don't even say a word about flying."

"Do respect me, my dear boy, for without me, you wouldn't have known what broomsticks are even for." Madam Hooch chided with a pointed finger and a smug smile. The Slytherin Head only rolled his eyes.

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