Chapter 13: Truthfully

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Hanji's POV

What... was I just dreaming about? The second I woke up, I thought I remembered my dream... I thought I could tell Nanaba about that weird feeling I had last night. But now, I can't even remember it. What did I dream about? What was in it? It wasn't a nightmare, yet I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. Curiosity continued to rise in my mind.

A knock came on the door thrice. Rapping at the knuckles. "Oi, Hanji? Get up, the brats are all looking for you. I told them to wake you up, but apparently you made a rule that they aren't supposed to wake you up?"

Grumbling softly, I pulled myself out of bed with my heart slowly retreating back to its normal rhythm. "I-I've forgotten about that rule..."

"Well... get downstairs as soon as you can. Nanaba already left and I'm going to be late to work. I don't want to leave them unsupervised. They are those kinds of brats anyways... always looking for a way to cause chaos. See you downstairs."

His footsteps clicking against the wooden floor echoed and grew quieter. I took a few minutes cleaning myself up before heading downstairs. His tone hooked me on curiosity... it was like... strange. How do I explain it? A little annoyed, but caring?

*   *   *

"Ah- Miss Hanji's here!"

My eyes glanced to see Eren with this sort of police hat on his head. Since it was bigger than his head, the hat covered majority of his forehead. I could barely see his beautiful emerald eyes. Huh... they're all sitting at the dining room table together eating... is that pancakes again?

"G'morning, Miss Hanji!" Armin waved shyly towards me as he picked at his pancakes.

"You're all awfully cheery today- is it because of the chocolate in the pancakes?" My eyebrows rose when I glanced to see Levi already in his uniform. If anything, he was ready to leave at a short notice. "Oh, you can go now, Levi. I got them."

He nods his head, starting to leave as he waved his hand. "Alright then. I'll see you guys later then. All of you guys, behave."

Those saddened cries of him leaving... the kids all howled as he departed. Maybe I should've begged him to stay as well- what am I even thinking about...? I must be stupid to ask him to skip work.

*   *   *

"Bye bye, Miss Hanji!"

One by one, they all scampered onto the school bus. There I was, being left alone on the steps of the orphanage. Every day, I watch them go... and it tears my heart into tiny pieces. When they come back from their journey at school, I listen to them carefully as they piece my heart back together.

Usually, I just do whatever I wanted when they were gone... but now, something Levi said before caught my curiosity. 

"History of the orphanage, huh?"

*   *   *

"What kind of history would I be looking for? Levi must've known this place... he must've..." I murmured to myself as I walked myself down into the attic. I opened as many windows as I could- that way I wasn't breathing in the dust.

For what seemed like an eternity, only an hour had passed. Through all the faded labeled boxes, all I could find was just previous orphans from before me. Their own little profiles about how they got there, who their parents was, and their personalities to help them settle down. It would've helped them find new families and get along with them as swiftly as we could.

That organization... I wanted to keep it up. That's why I would've done anything to take care on these little ones.

Flipping through one of the profiles, the name caught my eye. Levi... Ackerman...

The more I read into his profile, I could see why he wanted to protect the kids here. The reason why he kept checking up on us and staying in the orphanage... what was he telling the kids? The secrets that laid within this building? 

It was odd though...

He was in here since he was at least 7 years old... and was never adopted. Not once. No one had even tried to talk to him. Always came back from school with little cuts and bruises on his body. Always admitted he was protecting himself and one of the other orphans here- Farlan Church.

"You poor thing..."

I continued to read on, seeing him grow within his remaining 11 years at that orphanage. Once he turned 18, he left. Left with Farlan by his side. Disappeared without a trace. Thinking about it... Levi did look everywhere to see what had changed...

When I asked him to get something or do something for me, he knew exactly which room it would be in without me telling him. I wonder if there are any secrets he told the kids and not me... I truly do wonder.

"So that's the truth, Levi..." I smiled, looking at his cute 7 year old photo of him. Though he was skinny and pale, almost a year after being in the orphanage, there were some color to his skin and he was normal-looking. "You lived here before..."


When did I hear Levi's voice...?

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