Chapter 22: Nightmare

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Levi's POV

Eren was standing at the door, crying softly and quietly. Hanji was struggling to get up from the bed- and I stopped her. "I got him," I whispered softly, chuckling. "You need to go and rest, alright?"

She nods in defeat, and went back to sleep. On the other hand, I went with Eren back to his bed.

"What happened, Eren?" I asked as I walked him back. "Scared of the dark or something?"

He shook his head rapidly, showing off his bear. "Nope! Mr. Teddie is keeping me safe from the dark. I just... uh... had a bad dream..." Nightmares. I chuckled, holding him tightly. "I hate the Bad Man..."

Bad Man... he said that about Erwin, huh? Interesting. "Hey, Eren?" He looked up to me with his wide emerald eyes. "Why is he called, 'The Bad Man,' huh? I always wondered why you called him that."

Eren looked away, sitting down on a nearby bench. He held his bear tightly, looking a bit afraid. Of course, I sat next to him and held him tightly. "He... uh... let my old daddy go."

"Let him go?"

"Yes... when my mommy went away, the Bad Man didn't let me go to my old daddy. I wanted to be with my old daddy, but I couldn't because the Bad Man told everyone my old daddy didn't want me. My bad dreams are when I was there, listening to them say that."

Such confusing words. "Alright then," I started, carrying Eren to his bed. "Don't worry, okay? He's not here. He won't hurt you anymore. So please, don't you dare worry. I'm here. Your bear's here. It'll be alright." I say gently, rubbing his back. I could hear him yawning a bit as I held him close. Maybe... maybe I shouldn't have to worry. 

*   *   *

"Goodnight, Eren..." I whispered softly into his ear before kissing his forehead. With that, his eyes fluttered gently and he quickly went off to sleep.

Just before leaving, a quick little thought fell into my head. Something weird with Eren and his real dad? Maybe when I go into work tomorrow, I'll look into Eren's files before his time in the orphanage. When it comes to these files of these sorts, I have much more authority to figure out the root of things.

*   *   *

"Levi...?" Hanji whispers softly. "You're back... what's wrong with Eren?"

"He had a nightmare about when Erwin declared that Eren can no longer be with his biological father?" Crawling into the same bed as Hanji, I snuggled in close with her. "Something like that. I'll go into his case tomorrow."

"To help Eren?"

I nodded, kissing her cheek. "Yeah. And you know what I've realized?"


Smiling softly, my hand gently caressed her stomach. "I've realized I wouldn't be a bad father. It'll be alright... I have enough confidence. And... I've declared something too. I want to move in with you- in here. I mean it..."

"Move in... with me?"

"Yeah... that way I can be by you longer than usual."

"But your apartment-"

"I can get another one in the future. Just me and you, Hanji. You and the kid. You and those little kids in this orphanage. You're all that I have... and all I ever wanted... I love you, Hanji... I love you from the bottom of my heart." I kept kissing her and caressing her stomach. I can't believe it... me as a little father...

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