twenty-two. Bad Guy

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Trigger Warning: Physical Abuse.

Once more I would like to preface this is not a romanticization of abuse. Just a story showing the emotional toll it causes and the mindset people end up with due to it. Stay safe and always feel free to reach out.

The case had been wild, to say the least. 

The unsub had sent you all on a wild goose chase. You and JJ had gotten trapped into a room with heat that just kept rising, and Rossi had been lightly stabbed.

And that was all before you even got close to the unsub. To say the team was worn out was an understatement. And Hotch thought you all needed something simple and sweet to relax after the case. So, when you landed it was the middle of the day, and off to an ice cream shop, you went. 

You threw a quick text to Peter telling him you had landed and you would let him know when you got back to your place.

Moments like this made you happiest in life. JJ and Hotch had gone and picked up their kids first and Spencer gave you a ride there since Peter had dropped you off at work. You were all squished together in the biggest booth they had in the place just laughing, enjoying each other's presence. And ice cream. 

All good things eventually have to come to an end. And off towards home, you went. Spencer was driving you. You pulled up to your house and gave him a smile and pat on the shoulder as thanks when you got out of his car. 

"Thanks, Spence, appreciate it," You said as you waved him goodbye.

"Really." That was all you heard as your boyfriend stormed past you and let himself into your apartment. You rolled your eyes and chased after him. 

"Peter?" You got into your apartment and found it all dressed up. Flowers and candles.

" You know Y/n, I did all of this for you. I spent an hour of my life why you were doing what? Flirting with your ex. I told you I wasn't comfortable with him."

"I'm sorry Pete, but I told you nothing is going on." You tried to reassure him.

" So that's why you told me over an hour ago you were home? And then you pull up in his car. What the hell were you doing?" Peter had gotten in your face at this point. 

"Peter you took me to work, I went out with the team and I needed a ride home, he lives the closest that's it." You tried to gently place your hands on his chest.

"Baby? I swear." You stepped even closer to him, making eye contact, hoping he believed you.

And that was when it happened for the first time. 

Peter's hand swept up so fast you didn't have time to react. You just all of the sudden felt a hand make contact with your cheek and Peter was storming out of your apartment calling you a liar. 

That did not just happen

It didn't happen

He didn't

He wouldn't

Peter was gentle and sweet. He's the kind of guy who gives you flowers and kisses you goodnight. Not the kind who would ever even raise his voice at you.

That was what you told yourself as you crawled into bed. You felt shocked more than anything and you borderline convinced yourself it didn't happen. A couple of hours later when he came to your apartment with more flowers and a beautiful necklace, you let him in.

"Baby I am so sorry, I just love you so much, I was overwhelmed with jealousy. It's never going to happen again."

And even though everything in you told you to not accept it. You did.

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