thirteen. hold on

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A couple of days had gone by. Things were a little rocky but you guys were feeling okay. Spencer was going to meetings before and after work if possible and seeing you usually sometime after. You needed some time to process practically seeing the cheating, so you weren't seeing Spencer outside of quick check-ins and work. 

You get up and get dressed for the day in a fun plaid suit to give a fun start to what you hoped was a good day. You left your hair down and natural and did your makeup in your favorite way, really taking your time this morning. You got a text from Spencer

S: I cannot wait to see your face beautiful

You smile to yourself. I just know this man is worth it.

You head off to work and stop to get an iced coffee for you and Spencer, he loves how sweet they are.

Walking into work you feel tension in the air. Something seems off. You walk over to your desk and notice no ones at theirs, you just manage to see them walking into the meeting room. You quickly head up.

"Guys, what's going on?" Everyone turns to look at you and you notice Emily isn't here.

" The case we've been working on, the piece we've been missing was Emily. Or should I say Lauren." You get briefed on everything JJ could find and get started looking into who Emily really is.

Everyone needs a couple minutes to collect themselves and you go downstairs to get your coffee.

"It's kind of melted now, but I picked these up" You handed the coffee to Spencer. He gives you a half hearted smile and sits for a moment.

After hours of work, you guys have finally figured out where they are and are about to infiltrate. You all move in, splitting up. You're checking a room when


A gunshot goes right by your head, and you turn quick, letting off two shots and killing him. He only shot at you once though, so where was the other shot. You hear a struggle somewhere and you move towards the sound. You get there too late. You see Morgan over Emily's limp body, Doyle not in site.

"Stay with me baby, stay with me."

You call for a medic and feel the breath leave your body. It feels as if everything is just rushing around you. You see her body get put into a ambulance and you feel yourself crawl into an Suv. Everyone silent. You can't think a single thought except to pray.

Please don't take her, don't let this be how she goes, please. I know this is what we sign up for but its Emily, and she's got one of the best souls I ever met and the worlds going to be darker with out her. I can't have a world any darker than it is now, you can't do that. Please don't take her.

You feel one single tear fall as you get out of the SUV. You all walk into the hospital and sit around for hours, talking at a minimum. You grab onto Reid and Morgan's hands. You needed Spencer's for your sake and you hold onto Morgan's for his. JJ walks out.

"She didn't even make it off the table." Everyone reacts and Spencer walks towards JJ.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye." He comes back over to you and engulfs you in a hug. JJ and Hotch go talk in a separate room. Slowly you all leave.

"Spence will you come stay with me." He just nods. You guys get to your apartment and you make some tea. You sit in silence for a long moment.

" I can't... She.- I" You can't think of the right words but Spencer just nods. You get up and head towards your bedroom. Spencer follows. You stare in your mirror, remembering the excitement you felt this morning.

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