seventeen. seperation

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After the amazing date you had you woke up in a pile of pillows with Spencer's body wrapped around you tight. You move a bit as you wake up and Spencer snuggles in closer.

"Not yet baby, I'm not ready for this to be over."

You barely manage to catch what Reid thinks as he buries his face into your shoulder.

Eh why not, we don't have to go in today

You smile at you let your body meld back into his, sleep consuming you once more.

Eventually you awaken once more, and Spencer's not there. You reach around until you find your phone.

Shit, it's 2 pm.

You grumble to yourself as you make your way out of the somewhat collapsed fort.

"Spencer?" You start looking around to see where he is. You walk around the apartment and he's no where to be found. You start trying his number. It kept ringing until you got his voice mail.

"Uhm hey Spence, it's y/n. I just woke up alone and I can't find you, call me, I love you."

You get a bit of an ache in your stomach, uneasy not seeing any sign of him.

You make your way into the kitchen to find a note on the fridge.

Family Emergency, I'll call when I can. I love you baby.

You let out a sigh of relief. It didn't feel amazing knowing he had something bad enough going on to leave without waking you, but it made you feel better knowing he was safe. You decide to gather your things and head back to your own place, grabbing a coffee on the way there.

You decide to spend the day catching up on some things you had been neglecting lately, including yourself.

After a full day of cleaning up your apartment and a quick trip to the grocery store you still hadn't heard from Spencer. Not even a text. Deciding you were over due on some self care as well, you start to run a bath using all your favorite products, and you call Spence once more. No answer.

"Hey Spencer, it's me again. Just calling to make sure your alright. Let me know what's going on when you can okay? I love you"

You let out a sigh and chose to send him a text as well.

"Hey babe, i know you said you had an emergency but i just wanna know your okay and you got wherever you are safe. text me back."

The bath was now full of bubbles and your favorite essential oils, you climbed in, trying to block out your anxiety about Reid. After about 10 minutes you get your phone go off. You reached out the tub to grab it and finally saw a text from Spencer.

S: Hey baby, sorry if i worried you. My father passed away. I needed to be with my mother. She said hello and asked me to show you this.
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He attached a photo of what looked like craft of your favorite animal.
S: She said they made this in her crafts class and it reminded her of you. I love you.

You felt significantly better having heard from him. You sent back a quick message and let him know you were there.

You let yourself fall back once more, sinking your body into the water. You really needed to relax more often. The water slowly reached its way up until your skin was entirely under the water. You held your breath and let your head go under. Since you were a child you had always done this in the bath. Something about the action of being fully engulfed in water was one of the only things to ever clear your mind. There was nothing but the sound of water sloshing against your body. You liked just not breathing for a moment.

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