twenty. Nice to Meet You

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Y/n and Spencer entered a relationship, Emily died, Spencer was on dilaudid, it became toxic and ended. Spencer went to rehab, Y/n hookuped with Emily

Author's Note:

So sorry for not updating. I started a new job and I'm just exhausted when I get home but I am getting a better handle of it and ready to start writing again! Love y'all and thank you so much for 10k reads and 1k followers on Tiktok!! You guys are incredible.

Well that happened

That was your first thought as you woke up the next morning wrapped around Emily Prentiss. Your phone was going off and you felt her shifting below you. 

"Good morning Y/n" Emily slowly sat up and stretched as she reached for her phone. As soon as she got off the call yours rang as well. 

"Morning Em." You answered your call and got all of the details, a case, one that you would be leaving for right away. 

Emily stood out of bed and wrapped one of your blankets around her and started searching for her clothes.

"Em, they're in the living room. You wanna borrow something?" When Emily came over you guys had just gotten off a case and you didn't think she had too much to wear in her go-bag without washing something. She nodded and you pointed her in the direction of your closet. 

The two of you get ready and ride to work together. You review the case files on the plane. 

You make your way to the precinct so you all can start building the profile. You were sitting there and you kept feeling the steady gaze of someone's eyes. You were trying to focus on the case but you could not shake the feeling of being watched. You looked up from your files to find Spencer staring at you. His head was tilted just slightly, his lips tightened in concentration. As the two of you made eye contact you could see something click and he quickly went back to his work.  

Maybe he's figuring out something about the case

At least that's what you thought but as you caught him gazing at you more often than not. The case ended pretty quickly so you could finally ask him about it. But Spencer had other ideas. 

The team decided to go get food and as you were going up to grab the order Spencer insisted on accompanying you. Before you made it up to the pickup desk Spencer stopped you. He looked down at his feet a little before up to you.

"So you and Emily?" Your body tensed as you met Spencer's eyes. You used every bit of brain power you had to not physically react to that statement so that Reid couldn't profile you.

"What about me and Emily, Spencer?"

Spencer shoved his hands in pockets and swayed slightly from side to side. 

"I know you're together, and I just wanted to say I'm okay with that. Not that you need my permission obviously but in case you were worried about it, I'm fine."

You searched Spencer's face trying to comprehend what he was saying. You could not help yourself as your jaw dropped a bit. 

" Spencer, I'm not with Emily, why would you think that?" You and Emily had been careful about the way you had been acting around the team. Had you been too careful?

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