twenty-three. Exposed

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Author's Note: In case any of you skipped the last chapter due to the warning, peter becomes physically abusive and you do end up staying with him, believing you don't deserve better. You end up engaged and Rossi is throwing you a party.


You get ready for your engagement party. You're wearing an ankle-length silk dress, it's a light beige color with a deep v neck and an open back, with little flowers on it.

Peter dresses up in a simple black suit, nothing special. 

"  I'm so excited about this." You kiss Peter as you head into the car.

When the two of you arrive inside it's all dressed up beautifully, and the whole team is there. Rossi had whipped up some amazing food and there were flowers everywhere. 

"Guys, this is beautiful. Thank you so much."

"Yeah really thank you all so much" Peter shook Rossi's hands. 

You talked around with the whole team, Peter mostly speaking with Hotch. You felt his eyes on you the entire time. 

You were talking with Spencer and Emily about what kind of flowers you wanted at the wedding. 

" I'm not really sure, I mean the first flowers Peter gave me were marigolds? So maybe those." You shrugged your shoulders,

"You know Victorians viewed marigolds as a sign of despair and grief," Spencer said. And then you felt Peter's eyes shift to Spencer.

"Plus your favorite flowers are dahlias" He lowered his voice as he said that last part. 

"Yeah. I'm just not sure yet." You continued your conversation with Emily and hoped it would just die out. 

It was time for Rossi's speech. 

" Ahh my young ones, I love to see the love in the air. Y/n, I  knew you were a great one when I met you, and you deserve great love, that encases your whole love, and I hope this wonderful man, Peter, will bring it to you. To the engagement of Y/n and Peter, may this marriage be long- lasting, and hopefully your only one." Rossi lets out a laugh at that last part. You all raise a glass and toast, the team all congratulating you.

"Group hug! Group hug, please please let us group hug you two." Penelope rushes over. 

"Oh no, I don't want to be hugged by everyone, sorry. I think we're okay on that one" He lets out a laugh and steps back. 

"Well mister you only get to decide for you, and Y/n can't resist me." Penelope jokes. She reaches out and pulls you into a hug and slowly, JJ, Em, Hotch, Morgan, Rossi, and even Spencer engulf you in a giant hug, eventually, even Will and the kids join in. Past all of their love, you can see Peter's bitter face. 

After the hug ends everyone joins up in their own conversations and Peter motions to you to head outside. Once your out he grabs your arm and drags you behind a bush off on the side of the building.

"Peter stop, you're hurting me." 

" And your acting like a slut at our engagement party." Peter barks at you.

"What the hell are you talking about Peter?!" You practically spit at him. He does not need to do this tonight of all nights.

" You and Spencer literally flirting in front of everyone. Like he knows you better than me or something. Letting all of the men from your office out their hands all over you." 

" It was a fucking hug, Peter. You are being ridiculous. Can you just stop? I was not flirting with Spencer, so can you just shut the fuck up for once!"  

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