twenty-five. Moving Foward

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I'm pregnant.

And Spencer might be the father. 


You look over at Spencer, unsure of what the hell to say. 

" Y/n I want you to know I'll support anything you want and if you keep I'll be the best-" 

You cover his mouth.

"Don't." You feel your eyes start to water.

"Don't say you'll be the father when I don't even know that it's yours." Realization crossed Spencer's face. He nods slightly.

"Peter." You nod back. 


You burst out into tears and collapsed onto your couch, Spencer rushes over to comfort you. 

" I can't get rid of this baby, but I can't have Peter's baby, I can't have a piece of him in me, I just got rid of him." 

"Then this baby is mine," Spencer tells you in a low voice, holding you close. 


" This baby is mine, they never have to be anything but mine and yours, peter is no one, and genetics mean nothing. If you want to keep this baby, then he or she is ours. We don't have to be together, but I'll be there for you and our baby no matter what." His hand hovers over your stomach, just almost touching but not quite, unsure how your feeling. 

What your feeling is loved. This man is willing to parent this child with you not even knowing if it's biologically his, thinking that you don't want to be with him, he's still willing to be a parent with you. 

"And what if I wanted to be together? To do this together, as a couple, would you still?" You ask him, feeling the anxiety build. 

His hand finally touches your stomach and you see the biggest grin grow on his face.

"There is nothing I could ever want more." He grabs you and lands one on ya. And then quickly pulls away to hold you. 

He pulls back slightly and rests his forehead on yours. 

"You're going to be a great mom."

"You'll be an even better dad." 

You and Spencer still had a lot to work through, but you felt the love coursing towards your body.

" I still want to work on us Spencer, I need this to be good, to be healthy. We need to be for this baby." Spencer pulls back a bit, you watch a wave of guilt that he tries to hide flash through his eyes.

" I know it's not a lot of time, but I'm four months sober, and I have never had more of a reason to stay that way. It's different this time, I want to be better, and I never want to go back to the man who hurt you. And I won't. I'll do anything. We'll do the couples therapy, I'll keep going to individual therapy, you can come with me to every meeting, whatever we need to stay on track until you never have to worry. I will never hurt you or this baby ever again." 

You nod, the man you had known the last few months really had changed, and he showed you more every day. 

"I love you."

"I love you too." 

The End. 

Y'all I'm finna cry, it's over, I have loved you all so so much and as I'm writing this I currently have almost 20 k reads and this is the first book I've ever written. I cannot express my appreciation enough. I think I will write one more flash-forward chapter after this, and as I'm typing this an idea for a sequel just popped in my head (Peter gets out of prison and tries to take the child maybe?) but I'm currently writing a Hotch fic, show it some love. 

Thank You so much

SSA. Halababes 

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