eight. Blur

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"Spencer calm down!"

"Sir please stay back"

"Spence, come sit, there's nothing you can do. She's gonna be fine. "

What is happening?

You were being rushed back to be treated for your stab wound. You were going to be fine but the amount of blood you had lost was more than anyone had realized, and you were coming in and out of consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, you awoke in a hospital bed.

"Ahh looks like the princess is awakening." You hear Morgan's voice. You open your eyes and glance around. The whole team was there, except Spencer. They all gathered closer to your bed.

"Hi pretty girl, you had us worried there for a second," Penelope says, as she glances down at your leg. You move your bedsheets to see your bandaged limb. You try to move. But wince instead.

"As someone whos been stabbed a lot. You're going to want to take it easy." You smile up at Hotch, unsure if that was his attempt at a joke or completely serious. You take another look around.

" A stab wound not enough for Reid to stick around?" You try to make it sound like a joke, but in reality, you were kind of hurt. The team backs up a bit and Morgan stays close.

"Kid took you getting stabbed kind of hard, blamed himself for not getting to you sooner. " You sigh, you hate that Spencer puts everyone else lives in his own hands like other's actions are his fault. "He was kind of flipping so we made him go to the hotel to chill out, said we'd let him know when you got up. I texted him."

And as if on cue, Spencer Reid walked through your door.

He rushed over, looking you up and down, thoroughly examining your leg. Everyone left the room, knowing you needed to reassure Reid in this moment.

"Spence. I'm perfectly fine."
He lets out a hard sigh, "There's a gaping hole in your leg only being held together by stitches that you literally had to get a blood transfusion for. You're not fine, and I should of been there quicker. " He shakes his head at himself. You look past him, over at the door to see if the team closed it. Good, they did.

"Spencer Reid. I'm literally leaving this hospital in a couple of hours. But how much you care is heartwarming." You grab his chin and smile, pecking him on the cheek. He gives you a half-smile and pulls up a chair. Reid grabs your hand and gives it a quick kiss.

"I'm glad you're okay. I don't know what I would of done if..." You put your hand over his mouth.

"Don't even say it, I am here Spencer. I'm not going anywhere." You hear a quick knock and the door opens slowly.

"She's right pretty boy, y/n is stuck with us." Morgan reassures him as he walks in.

"Nurse said if you can get up and hobble around on some crutches, you can go in like an hour." Derek hands you some crutches.


You had left the hospital and you were on the jet back. Reid had this look on his face, and he kept looking at you. You could tell he hadn't forgiven himself yet. You did not want to bring this up around the team, especially because some were napping. So, you text him.

Y/n: Hey spence

Spencer scrunched his face seeing you text him.

Spence: Hey?

Y/n: I'm okay, stop looking at me like I'm gonna keel over

S: I'm not

Y/n: Yes you are, it's just a little knife wound. You've been shot in the leg, should I be keeping tabs on you?

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