fourteen. I'm sorry

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You wake up with a killer headache and covered in dry tears, with someone banging on your door.


You struggle your way out of bed to see who the hell was at your door. You open your door to see Pene and Derek, holding bags of food.

"Hey, sweetcheeks, the lonely and living alone decided it was better if we did today together." Garcia let herself inside.

"Yeah, we thought maybe the pretty boy would be here too? Also, I have plenty of questions about how he bagged a hottie like you."

" If she tells you the answer to that one let me know." Spencer appeared in your doorway, holding his own bags of food.

"Guess we're feasting this morning?" He walks in and sets the bags down. You just stand there quietly.

" Y/n can I talk to you in your room for a minute?" Derek raises his eyebrows and Pene smirks. You roll your eyes and start walking towards your room. Spencer follows and closes your bedroom door behind you.

" I'm sorry, I- god I keep saying stupid things I don't mean. I did not mean that. I was drunk and angry and I miss Emily and I wanted to put the blame somewhere other than myself. I heard her say Lauren Reynolds and saw her acting weird. I feel like I should have figured it out sooner and I projected that on to you. We all did the best we could and-" You watch as a tear fell down his face.

" The world and the team are better with you around. I'm better with you around. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You bring your thumb up to wipe away his tear and pull him into a hug.

" I miss her too." He pulls away and puts his hand on the side of your face and brings himself down to you. He slowly kisses you and you wrap your arms around his neck. He brings his arms down to your waist and pulls you closer, you hold him tighter. He takes a few steps forward, pushing you towards the bed. The kissing intensifies and he lifts your tank top over your head, exposing your chest, you reach and pull off his shirt. He lays you down on your back, still kissing you. You reach towards the buckle of his pants.

"You sure? Garcia and Morgan are out there? And we'll never hear the end of it?" He kind of chuckles and you join in, nodding anyways. He lets you unbuckle his pants and he starts kissing your neck, grabbing one of your breasts. You want to moan out but you keep it as quiet as you can. He pulls back and in one swift movement removes the shorts you had been wearing, revealing nothing underneath. He pushes his pants down further until they are off. You grab him and roll him over so that you're on top. You straddle him and put your hands in his hair, grinding your bareness on top of his. He lets out a small moan.

"I need you" Spencer moves his hands in between your leg lightly rubbing your clit. After a few moments, you lowered yourself onto his member, letting out a soft moan. He placed his hands on your hips as you start moving up and down. He rests his head back on the pillows and lets you have the control, just keeping a tight grip on your waist. You try your best to keep your moans quiet, remember there are people just a few rooms away. You feel the pit building in your stomach and Spencer reaches down and starts playing with your clit. He sees in your face your about to cum, so he puts his hand over mouth to muffle your moans. After you find your release, he soon cums inside of you. You lay for only a moment before getting dressed and seeing how long you were gone, only 15 minutes, not bad.

You throw on some leggings and a big t-shirt and make your way back to the kitchen to be bullied. As you walk out of your room your met by applause from Morgan, Garcia, and... Will? As you round the corner you see Will standing there, JJ and Henry walking in through your front door.

"Mommy, why are we clapping?" You laugh and blush and JJ tells him to go play for a minute.

" So how was that talk?" Derek raised his eyebrows and you just roll your eyes and start looking around at the food. You see a couple of big boxes of doughnuts, muffins, and scones. Along with plenty of coffee and juice. You hear a knock, and see Hotch walk through the door with Jack, followed by Rossi.

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