twenty-four. shake it out

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Hey guys!! My apologies for being MIA all month, it has been a crazy one, to say the least, but I'm back with regular updates. 

Update: Uhm I started writing this chapter two months ago, yikes. well... moving on.

HEY PARTY PEOPLE I HAVE MISSED YOU! While my love for criminal minds is lifelong, my obsession chilled a bit. I have been watching criminal minds ( and been in love with spencer Reid) since I was a literal fetus, but I was deep in criminal minds tik tok and it was feeling kind of toxic and I was having a depressive episode. So I kind of dropped off the face of the real and social earth, my apologies, but I'm back and I'm ready to finish this book. I am thinking about 5 more chapters until the end. And then I'm going to start my Hotch fic. It can be found on  my page titled, " Who Are We?"


You had only been apart of the team for one year, and in love with your boss for about 11 of those months. You and Hotch have to go undercover as the only team members who fit in as a part of this unsubs secret sex cult. While pretending to be a couple you let yourself express your very real love to a very much pretending Hotch. Will this be your chance to make him fall in love with you, or is this all just for the case?

RECAP: Spencer and Y/N were in an unhealthy relationship ( Spencer was using and lying). It went too far and they broke up. Spencer goes to rehab and Y/n enters a new relationship with Peter, who becomes abusive. After the way had Spencer treated her she believes to be undeserving of good, healthy love and stays with him. Rossi throws them an engagement party where Spencer sees Peter get physical with Y/n and stops it. Y/n comes out of her funk a bit and breaks things off with Peter and finally tells Spencer about the toll their relationship had on her mental health. Spencer declared his love and Y/n said they could work on things. Peter trashes her apartment and Spencer stays with her to make her feel safer. 

It's always darkest before the dawn

You woke up the next morning wrapped in Spencer's arms. You snuggled back into his familiar touch, but you could not help your thoughts.

Yesterday I was wrapped up in someone else's arms, I'm a fucking mess. 

You move your way out of Spencer's arms, throwing on some sweats and heading to your kitchen. You look around at what's left of what mess Peter had made, you sigh, too exhausted to do anything about it. Brewing some coffee you hear some shuffling from your bedroom, Spencer walking out. He walks up to you and wraps his arms around your waist, and kisses you on your cheek, you jump at his light touch and pull away. Spencer notices and immediately retreats. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have." He looks at his feet for a moment before meeting your eyes. 

"Don't be, I'm fine. But Spencer. I'm not ready for that." You take in a deep breath. And look into his eyes. 

"I'm not ready for you. For us. Not yet. I know I may have sent the wrong impression last night, but I was serious yesterday. I need myself back first, and then maybe us." Spencer just nods gently, you wait for the backlash. 

And yet it does not come. 

You had expected at least an argument or at least some resistance, but here he was just complying. And it made your heart swell a little. 

Wow, my bar is set low isn't it. 

Spencer speaks up, " Y/n I will give you anything and everything you need, but until we're ready to try again, if that happens, and it's okay if it does not, I'm going to be here regardless, you're my best friend."

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