seven. Fresh

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You woke up the next morning wrapped in Spencer's arms. A girl could get used to this. You bit your lip and kind of smiled to yourself. And then you noticed there was something poking you in the ass. And you really smirked this time. I still want to repay him for last night

You snaked your way out of his grasp and down to his boxers. He started to wake up. And you hooked your fingers in the sides of his boxers.

"What are you doing y/n?" He was awake and looking down at you.

"Do you want me to stop?" You said as you started pulling down his boxers, he lifted his hips to aid you but did not say anything. You saw his large member spring out. You hadn't had the chance to get a good look at it yet, impressive. You wrapped your hand around and looked up at him for approval. He nodded.

You put your tongue at the bottom of his dick and licked up to the tip, swirling around it. Spencer groaned, you saw his body relax. You let the spit collect in your mouth and slowly dripped it down onto his cock. " Oh my god y/n" You decided to throw his own words back at him. You put his dick as close to your mouth as you could and said, " You like that baby?" As you finally wrapped your lips around and lowered your head. You began bobbing up and down, keeping your tongue flat against it, picking up speed as you go. You hear moans start coming out of Spencer's mouth. He tangles his fingers in your hair as you take him as far down your throat as you can, holding back a gag. You feel Spencer's body tense up, and you knew what was coming *hehe* You sped up, and soon after felt his load shooting into your mouth, and you swallowed quickly. You smiled at the sight of Spence with his head back and breathing hard.

Then you jumped out of bed, Spence barely noticing. He slightly sat up

"Where are you going? Treat a man like that and just leave?" You looked back and smirked.

"Am I just your little slut y/n?" Spence says as he dramatically threw himself on the bed, laughing. You giggle and make your way to the kitchen. You put on a pot of coffee and open up the fridge, deciding on some waffles and bacon. You quickly mixed together the mix and pull out your waffle iron. Tossing the bacon in the oven. Spencer came out and wrap his arms around you from behind. " You left me so quick baby." He gave you a kiss on the side of your neck. "We have work soon silly, I wanted to make you breakfast. " He continued kissing your neck. "That's very sweet." He nipped at your neck. You leaned back into his touch.

" There's something else I want to do first though" Swiftly your panties are pulled down, and legs pushed apart. You took in a sharp breath "The food's going to burn." He reaches over you and unplugs the waffle maker and turns off the oven. "Not anymore." He says as he sticks two fingers over you and bends you over the counter. "This okay?" He says as he pumps his fingers in and out of you. You nod and moan in reply. "So wet baby, I love it." He pulls his fingers out and you turn your neck to look at him. He sticks his fingers in his mouth, sucking on them. "Still so good. You ready baby?" You nod and turn back around. He pushes your back forward and pulls down his boxers. He steps back and looks at you. " You know you've got a great ass." He strokes the side of your ass and grabs it. And then he reaches back and slaps it, hard. You involuntarily let out a moan. " You like that baby?" You nod and feel him running his dick up and down your slit. Spence slowly pushes himself in and groans.

"I've been waiting to feel this again." You nod in agreement as Spencer speeds up his thrusts. You let out a loud moan. He slaps your ass every few thrust, you can feel yourself getting red, but god it feels so good. He moves his grip from the sides of your ass. One on the counter and the other grasp your hair. He pulls a little.

"God Spence, I'm already gonna-" You just moan out, he keeps speed but thrust into you harder.

"Cum for me baby" And you do

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