six. Starting Over

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After everything that went down, you weren't sure how to feel. I mean drugs or not, Spencer said all that stuff to you, and you couldn't shake the feeling that somewhere in his brain he might really think that. But the connection, you thought. I can't deny the way he made me feel. And I wanna feel it again. You decided that today is a new day, and you believe in second chances. And that you really needed to get out of bed.

You got up and started searching through your closest. What to wear today, I wanna feel pretty. You finally decide on your favorite pair of black and white high waisted plaid pants with a black shirt tucked in. You weren't quite in the mood for a jacket but you grabbed one in case you went on a case.

Arriving at work you sat across from Spencer, handing him the extra coffee you had brought today. " Extra sugar of course."

He smiled at you, "Thanks Y/n, sorry again about everything by the way. " He looked towards his feet.

"You know people look down when they're lying or uncomfortable. I don't think your lying, and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable with me." You gave him a soft smile. He looked around and then lowered his voice.

" You don't make me uncomfortable, I just- I . I'm not sure how to fix what I said. I remembered last night. I think I always did, I just didn't want to." He took a deep breath. His cruel words flashed back through your head.

" I'm sorry. You're wonderful and that night we had was too, and I can't be exactly sure about what you were about to say before I, ya know, but I was wondering if maybe... you want to go out tonight? Dinner anywhere you want."

You bit your lip in thought, did you let one moment ruin something that could be great?

" That sounds nice Spence." You smiled.

"Hey pretty girl, what's got you over there looking all goofy?"

Morgan walked up, holding a file, and sitting at his desk. You thought for a second and then picked up your phone, shaking it a little so Derek would see it in your hand.

" I just got asked out by this guy I hooked up with." You glanced over in Spencer's direction. it looked like he might have been blushing a bit.

"Oh, so he must have been good." Emily whirled around in her chair, interest peaked as soon as she heard hook up.

" Oh good point Prentiss, so out of all your guys, where's this one land?" Derek raised his eyebrows. You giggled.

"Guys come on, don't make me say. " Emily widened her smiled.

"Oh, so does that mean he's like top 3 material?" Spencer's head quickly shot up, you knew he was listening so intently. You rolled your eyes and smiled.

" He was pretty damn good like he was a genius or something. But I only had one night, it's got take more than that to approve him for best I've ever had." You smirked a little.

"So, he's got a shot to be the best, huh" Spencer chimed in.

"Even the kids got in on this one. So we better get an update." Derek says as he lowers himself into his chair, Emily nodding and signaling to you to text her later, and then turning back around.

The rest of the day went pretty easy. Just some paperwork and easy conversations. No new cases. Usually, you were itching for cases, you did not enjoy people getting hurt, you just knew there were so many bad guys in the world and you wanted to stop them. But today was different, today all you could think about was Spencer. You were ready to ignore what happened, and just see what could. Just a few more sentences and I get to go, I wonder why Spencer's still here though. Usually, Reid would be long gone. You ignored the thought and finished up.

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