twelve. Exposed

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" We need to talk."

Oh shit, those are never good words

Spencer starts walking to his room, and you follow. You took a deep breath, trying to slow down your heart rate. Is he mad? What do we have to talk about?

He opens his door and steps aside, gesturing for you to come in. He sits down on the couch.

"You cannot do that shit." You are not exactly positive what he's commenting on so you sit quietly. He looks at you, seeing if you were going to respond.

"If you're talking about what happened with Matlin-" Spencer puts his hand on your leg and he shakes his head.

"No. Of course not. He's gross, and you were making yourself pretty clear to him. I know I was acting a bit jealous but I could never blame you for his actions. You did nothing wrong there. Now putting your gun down when a man on the verge of a breakdown has already managed to get his hands on an officer's gun. That was stupid of you y/n." You make a face at him.

"Maybe it was, but it got the situation under control. I love what we have Spencer, but unless you're Hotch all of the sudden, you don't get control over my judgment calls in the field." He looks down for a moment, thinking.

"I just don't want you to get hurt." You scooch closer to him.

"And I don't want to get hurt, and obviously I want you to stat safe too. But we have dangerous jobs, Spence. And taking risks is apart of it. You know that. And as long as we're together it is just a fact of life. You can't go getting mad at me for something you know you would do too." He leans his forehead onto you and takes a deep breath in. He just nods and pulls you in for a hug.

" I love you."

"I love you too."

He pulls you in for a kiss. " I can't have Matlin be the last person to have kissed you."

You move even closer to him and grab his shirt.

"And I can't have yesterday be the last time I've had sex with you." Reid widens his eyes, you aren't often super bold.

You pull him in by his shirt and kiss him once more. Slowly you climb your way into his lap straddling him. You snake your hands into his hair, never letting go of the kiss. He reaches forward and places his hands on your ass. He gently rubs up and down, knowing you love it. You reach down and start unbuttoning his shirt, urgently.

"I need you Spence." You practically whine at him.

He tightens his grip on you and stands up. He walks over and throws you onto the bed. You let out a laugh as your body gently bounces from the mattress. Spencer starts quickly undressing you and himself. Soon your in absolutely nothing. He climbs in between you legs and immediately starts licking. And then he pulls away.

" Sit up, on your knees." You do as your told and as you move Spencer lays on his back.

"Sit on my face."

"What" You had never done that before.

"You heard me y/n"

You moved and positioned yourself above his face, hovering. He grabbed your hips and pulled you down onto his face. He quickly went to work. He starts licking you.

You feel a little unnerved but he seems to be enjoying himself. You can see he's rock hard.

He wraps his lips around your sensitive bud and digs his hands into your sides. You let out a loud moan as he starts sucking your clit. You quickly feel it start building. He returns to fast movements with his tongue and your over the edge. You can't help yourself from grinding on his face and he just tightens his grips and moans as he licks up your juices. You're breathing hard.

Spencer Reid Took My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now