nine. Last Night

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Your work alarm started going off.
Oh god I shouldn't have drank that much on a work night
You hear the rumbling of others around you. And then THWACK
Emily hit you in the head with a pillow.
"Turn your fucking alarm off y/n"
You realized you hadn't hit snooze and quickly turned it off. You sat up, trying to take in your surroundings. Emily was cuddled up to you on one side, Jj behind her and Garcia was no where to be found?

You kicked off your blankets and made your way into your living room, finding Garcia passed out on the couch. You walk pass, nudging her awake as you head into the kitchen.
" Get up, we have work. I'm making coffee." You start a pot and pull out some to go style cups for you and the girls, and then make your way into the bathroom. You hadn't had a single coherent thought yet and as you stepped into the steamy water, the night started coming back to you.

Movies with the girls
Calling reid
That girl
Telling Emily and Jj
Drinking more
Penelope passing out on the couch
Crawling into bed with Em and Jj

You sighed and tried to let it all wash off of you. What am I going to say to Spence? Do I tell him they know?
You decided to ignore it and finish your shower. You get out and find the girls slowly getting dressed and dragging themselves towards coffee. Eventually you all look as good as it's going to get and climb into your cars
You all walk into the office together.

"Girls night seems like a success" Morgan bellowed out, with a little a laugh.
You all just groan a bit and head towards your desk, Spencer already at his.

"Fun night I take it?" He says, a bit quiet. You ponder a second, not sure what to say to him.
"Yeah it was, sorry about calling you." You see his head whip up and his eyebrows scrunch together. He's quiet for a second.

"I might have done some drinking myself last night, too much drinking. I don't remember much. I helped out with the case and they asked me out and I wasn't sure how to say no."
You chewed on your cheek, wanting to ask about the girl.

" Yeah I called, but uhm, a girl picked up and then you took the phone and said you were busy." You kind of made a little face, you couldn't help it. You scanned his eyes to try to detect something.

" Yeah I lost my phone, she must of found it." Lie

"I hadn't seen her before that." Lie

" I'm not even sure I realized you were on the phone" Lie, he said your name.

"I'm sorry Y/n" Truth.

His face is full of guilt. You aren't sure if it's because of him not remembering or if he did something else. He was saying he didn't remember though, so even if you asked about that girl you wouldn't know if it was the truth or not. You remember Jj's words and decided to trust him, and drop it for now.

"Well hopefully your night was still fun. How's your mom?" You tried to put the conversation onto something else.

"She's good, her new medication has been good for her." He lights up a little bit, it makes you happy to see him having good things to say about her. You smile at him.

" That's great Spence. Uhm, hey? Could we talk in private? After work?" He looked a little concerned.
"It's nothing bad, but it's not good either I guess?" You wanted to tell him the girls knew. He started bouncing his leg.

"Does it have to wait until after work? There's no one in the kitchen right now?" You could tell Spencer didn't want to wait, so you nodded and stood.
"Anyone want coffee? yea? Me and Reid are headed that way." A couple of hands shot up and you two made your way into the kitchen. You started a pot of coffee and threw on some water for tea. Spencer was just standing there looking at you. You fiddled with your hands a bit.

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